Trump Bets That Voters Will Buy His Feigned Moderation On Abortion

Two things are undoubtedly true: Donald Trump has no “religious conviction” leading him to oppose abortion (The Bulwark’s Sarah Longwell says voters often assume that he’s paid for abortions in her focus groups), and he knows the Dobbs decision and everything stemming from it make for terrible electoral politics for his party.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Trump Bets That Voters Will Buy His Feigned Moderation On Abortion

A pretty good bet taking into account the willingness of the so called “independent voters” to be deceived by right wing politicians. They would not let themselves be deceived by center-left politicians though and will vote for the wingnut if they detect anything remotely fishy.


And cats…



The growth in voters who identify as “independent” consists mainly of former Republicans.

Image source:


Well, Donald Trump is a full fledged member of the political class in that there exists actual history of his positions and policy endeavors.

He put 3 right wing judges on SCOTUS that helped overturned Roe and would put more of the same if he has the opportunity.

Enough said.


He had been toying with the idea of a 15 week cut- off … but the anti-abortion absolutists would have gone totally bonkers-berserk … and very few of the pro-choice would have trusted his pontificating.

This weasel approach that he is taking is not going to win him any support among any group - but in its blandness it may cost him among the rabid right anti- abortion crowd … they had been expecting him to be their champion & push for total victory.


I think the right to life folks will be just fine with this. Look, they know who got it done for them. They’d vote for him if he said he was pro-choice now. Actions speak louder than words for the hard core movement folks.


Are the most sanctimonious among his supporters just assume he’s lying and will crack down on the Satanist Democrats when he wins? And somehow think LYING is A-OK because of the lawless socialists? What rotters.


He’s making a bet that feigned moderation will be enough to see him through the election, when he will then be free to impose whichever restrictions his anti-abortion supporters demand.

The difference is that Trump now has a litany of statements that Democrats can and will put on repeat saying otherwise.

Some high (low) lights:


Hey, he’s their “bold, virtuous leader”, doncha know! LOL


OT. In suburban Chicago. Got 90+% coverage. It was like I put sunglasses on. Disappointed.


He is proud of appointing the justices who over turned Roe and says leaving reproductive rights to the states is great. But leaving it to the states has resulted in draconian laws which is why women and men are so upset. He either trusts women, their partners, their doctors and their families to make decisions that are in the best interest of the health and well being of women and girls or he doesn’t. His message today is that he doesn’t.


If you were a Trumper you would have known it was a sign that Trump rules the World and this was his gift to you dumb fucks. :fu:


What did he “moderate” from, really. He didn’t say anything, and he didn’t say anything because either way he’ll annoy a block that he needs.


I don’t think this positioning is “moderate” in the least. Since when is it a sensible idea to put people’s rights up to a vote? Or let state legislatures control women’s bodily autonomy? It’s incredibly offensive to have human rights dependent on zip code.

I think this still be the thing that sinks him.


His true believers couldn’t care less of course, and the “Christians” will hold their nose and vote for him. Maybe more women whose abortions he paid for will come forward.


Just bet he’d do whatever was the most destructive for the country, and particularly women, and you can’t go wrong.


A powerful ad from Biden and pierces the idea that state legislators know more than doctors when it comes to pregnancy complications and reproductive medicine. Texas nearly killed Amanda Zurawski. Video at link.


We’re in for a summer of torrential lying by this septic mucus ball, but the comedy is almost worth it. Where else do you get an interruption of his last interruption of his initial nonsensical gibberish to flip what he stands for back and forward and back and forward until it gets caught in the center court net and he walks away and leaves it there muttering something about no one states their position more clearly than he does?

Now seriously, I realize that there are a few percent of people out there too stupid or engulfed by whatever trance-state a cult does to you to listen to this and not laugh at its absurdity, but you can’t make me believe that the majority of the red-hats don’t know he’s a fool and that he’s talking gibberish. It’s this fact, that they know it and yet are still trying to put him back into the exec office of the US that really pisses me off.


Jessica Tarlov from Fox.

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