President Trump’s recent executive order removing protections for career federal employees deemed disloyal has triggered the resignation of one of his administration’s appointees, who had led a commission that looks at how salaries differ between the public and private sector, the Washington Post reported on Monday.
["In his letter of resignation from the Federal Salary Council issued Sunday, Ronald Sanders decried the executive order that could impact tens of thousands or more employees in policy roles across the government.
Sander wrote that Trump’s executive order ‘is nothing more than a smoke screen for what is clearly an attempt to require the political loyalty of those who advise the President, or failing that, to enable their removal with little if any due process,’ according to the Washington Post.]
Bears repeating… Trump is a would-be tyrant. Elect him and the “would-be” part is gone. This is as existential as it gets and we are all in this together.
It’s the number of days between Nov. 3rd and inauguration day that concern me more. I just early voted in Missouri. They make it difficult, but I lied on my form and said I was caring for a relative.
More incentives from a Biden/Harris Administration to open up absentee voting would be a start. But before Biden/Harris, Trump may do as much damage as he can get away with.
This is the way it’s done. No BS excuses like “if I don’t do it they will find someone else that is worse”. Again it may be because chances are that Trump would not be president for long.
There is a lot of time between November 3 and January 20 and it’s imperative that everything Trump and Co does is fully scrutinized. He’s gonna be taking bids to undo regulations and issue executive orders to screw up everything as much as possible and to repay friends or simply pay back ‘donors’ for their generosity, aka, bribes. Assuming that he doesn’t steal the election, of course.
No one that has been appointed by Trump should remain in their posts. They all pledged allegiance or the job would not have been given to them. So yes, McCabe, Esper, the Iron Maiden Haspel, all should be cleaning their desks regardless of the election outcome.
It’s nice that Sanders resigned his position on the Commission, but he’s been there 2 years, and he suddenly discovers that the Asshole-elect expects fealty from everyone down to the toilet cleaners. Gimme a break! Sudden growth of spine 8 days before the election, Sad!
Watch Hair Fuhrer goose step with his fascist lemmings off the cliff !!!
More Tuba please, so they can all keep pace!
Enough Tubas so we cannot hear them splat!
Oompa oompa oompa oompa oompa oompa …