Nor the Tax Man, what with all his fabulously tall buildings. Trump Org too, I assume, is incorporated in NY.
"Alt Right Johnny Appleseed" FTW
I think it just might. I suspect he’ll be free to do anything he wants down the sink hole in front of Mierda Lago.
Doubt it. He’ll let it get worse before he jumps.
I think it’s cute and a little touching that he imagines a future where he gets to decide for himself where he lives and so forth.
Como says he did not pay taxes in NY is that true>
Yes. But he’s wanting $500 million for the lease when he’s barely breaking even. That’s more of a con, than a sale. Of course, some country or oligarch might buy the lease from him if given the right foreign policy incentives. It would be US policy that they’re buying and not the lease, which would just be a token straw man.
I think he’s planning on dumping Pence as VP and having Ivanka run. Since pres and VP can’t be from the same state, this would take care of that as Ivanka is from NY.
Whatevah! In my 11 years living and working in Manhattan, with all it’s contradictions and bad apples, Trump was to my eyes the golden shit stain on the carpet that that exceeded all levels of avarice and public stench. He never belonged there in my book. More suited to the yokels charmed with a ride in his helicopter and the golden toilet bowl.
So Florida seems the refuge best suited for cheesy avarice and low life criminals. May the alligators and snakes enjoy their first bite of the squalid couple.
Whaat? I get that it’s a waste of political capital but you can do it if you want, as far as I know.
It took him this long to discover no one pays taxes in Florida?
But he’s still the same old Trump.
Also, GOP getting into the weeds again.
They’re latching onto Morrison’s “didn’t consider it was illegal” opinion like a life preserver.
Just the right place for the Wannabe.
Florida School Principal fired for refusing to call the Holocaust factual.
Interesting that this story broke yesterday, just in time to create a diversion from the impeachment rules. It’s probably a good call, especially since he would be a virtual prisoner in the penthouse. New Yorkers are likely to give him a reception that will make the ball game look like a Trump rally.
It is never appropriate to advocate for animal abuse.
I thought that was Texas.
Won’t help them, then, that Vindman testified that burisma was mentioned during the call…
The rule does not govern candidates but it does govern the electors.
Article II:
The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two Persons, of whom one at least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves.
Amendment XII:
The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves.

They’re latching onto Morrison’s “didn’t consider it was illegal” opinion like a life preserver.
And right now that’s their Plan A.
You should see the alternatives.

My guess is that Spankee and his Evil Spawn are waking up to the fact that NY is never going to love them the way Spankee thinks they should, they will never be in the “inner circle” there
Well it took them a while because they’ve been considered grifting yahoos for decades. It’s hard to imagine two more different humans than the kind of folks who sit on art-museum boards and Donald Trump and his outer-borough hillbilly kin. He’s a total vulgarian, his mental illness rolls out at you in suffocating waves like the stink off a garbage scow, and he’s cheap. Contributing to each other’s charities is a kind of social glue for the richies in that town, and as far as I can tell in most towns where you have affluent folks, and he simply never did. They couldn’t care less if he were a D-lister celebrity, that’s nothing to them. One of the actual real-estate big shots up there once dismissed Donald as “a clown who lives on credit.” When the credit ran out in NYC he took his show on the road, is all. I hope the country is finally learning, better late than never, what NYC figured out long ago.