Trump And His Friends Seize On Arizona Voter Registration Error As Conspiracy Theory Fodder

I stood in line behind someone at the DMV who brought the Certificate of Live Birth, complete with little foot prints. Made my visit much longer.

Pfft!!. In Pima County we can watch on line ballots being hand counted prior to machine counting. It gets done in a timely manner as we have 2 dozen folks or more doing the hand count. WaPo may not realize it can be more than one person doing the hand count.

Pima County seat is Tucson where I live.This TPM piece is well reported.

More detail at Tucson’s AZ Daily Star: GOP lawmakers side with Democrat Fontes on voter eligibility

The headline at the AZDS is accurate and a hoot. Here is the money quote which shows why AZ Leg Repubs are suddenly so proactively ‘pro voting’: Fontes said the majority of affected voters are in the 45-60 age group. And more than 37% of them are Republicans, versus nearly 27.5% who are Democrats. So denying them ballots for statewide, legislative and local elections would have a greater effect on GOP candidates. Ditto ballot measures supported or opposed by Republicans.

Adrian Fontes is AZ Secretary of State who lost Maricopa County Recorder race to Steven Richter who firmly held the line against denialism in 2022 and lost GOP primary in 2024. Adrian Fontes defeated denialist Mark Finchem (The Kalamazoo Cowboy) in 2022. He is now at the front of the Dem line for AZ Governor when Katie Hobbs (Sec’y of State in 2000 and target of death threats) finishes 2nd term end of 2030.

No doubt the present problem can be fixed legislatively which I would expect next session which - I am sure darrtown joins me here - we hope will be a Democratic majority by flipping two seats in both AZ Senate and House. I know from conversations that Dem Leg majorities, frozen completely out of lawmaking by narrow Repub majorities, mean Gov Hobbs will be primed to do what Govs Walz and Whitmer did in MN and MI: with trifectas, pushing through legislation-ready progressive agenda which would make AZ Bluer faster. Expect Leg Repubs in that scenario to bemoan lack of bipartisanship that has been their normal course of business when in the majority

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Flipping either or both chambers in the AZ legislature would be monumental. It’s long past due as the GOP has held majorities in both chambers without a single break since 1969. We have had a few democrat governors in that time however. When Doug Ducey came into office some years ago he tried to blame democrats in his inauguration speech for the state’s various ills which upset a lot of people.
I hope both chambers get flipped,

I know someone who is in this group of citizens who might get disenfranchised on state and local elections in AZ. One of the smaller group of Dem voters, though the majority are indeed Republican voters. Since we have an important state abortion access initiative he is thinking about getting his AZ DL updated before the voter registration deadline of Oct.7. I recommend doing that to all Dems who fall into this category … Republicans can figure out what to do with their own voters.


“Trump And His Friends Seize On Arizona Voter Registration Error As Conspiracy Theory Fodder”

I’m sorry, but this clearly is fake news.

Trump hasn’t had a friend his entire life.

(Not even “Ricky”, the trashcan roach he played with as a pre-schooler.)

He has only sycophants, boot-lickers, ass-kissers, and hookers – and none of them count!


You forgot lickspittles.

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My license was due to be renewed anyway. At this point I am waiting for the license to arrive in my mail. Likely on Monday. I’ve already checked on my voting registration and it’s all good. My mail in ballot will hit the mail to me on Oct 9th. I’ll take my time with down ballot people and item decisions. I am very aware of the abortion question. I’d like to see the wording on it. But the good thing to me is I will be voting. I consider it exceedingly important.