Trump And His Friends Seize On Arizona Voter Registration Error As Conspiracy Theory Fodder

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Fontes also noted that the majority of those impacted are Republicans, which may, in part, explain why the state GOP Senate President and House Speaker are in agreement with Fontes, and have submitted an amicus brief to the Arizona Supreme Court asking that these voters be allowed access to full ballots in the November election.

Should Democrats say OK disqualify the votes? Hoist the Trump election deniers on their own petard.


Ahhh the things one gets in the mail these days…

and then there are some things that are too big for available boxes…

fat cat


Your morning earworm

Ahh, I see you are attempting to use logic.

How quaint. /s


What an elegant, gorgeous cat! Love the green eyes.

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I didn’t expect to see Mark Robinson and Ashley Madison in the same headline, but here we are. :rofl:


First day of early voting in Virginia
Look at them go


Here you go
The 2024 Campaign Veered Off The Rails In One Bizarre Day (

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Love the little round chin spot! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I usually try logic first… it’s my science training that prevents bullshit conspiracy theory from creeping in.



Some deliveries come on by freight on a pallet…
Others by container.

Both look like lovely kitties.


This article, which I saw because it was just below one about UNC IDs that Live Wire links to, sure seems relevant: the state GOP officially came down on the side of allowing the affected voters to vote in this election. Why? The data glitch affects way more Republicans than Democrats.

Arizona GOP Only Cares About Proof of Citizenship for Democrats - Democracy Docket

Apparently, the glitch has to do with renewed licenses. Licenses first issued after 1996 can be used to provide citizenship. But people who got renewal licenses that were issued after that date also were marked as having provided proof of citizenship, even though they haven’t.

Darr, I’m not saying you’re old, but it looks like it’s long-termers like yourself who would be disenfranchised by doing this kind of “maintenance” close to the election.


It’s one of my annoying habits. It was very useful in my engineering degree but it made Con Law a never ending nightmare.

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Could you have registered with your driver’s license alone? In Massachusetts you can (with a MA license, that is). Btw, we have plenty of recent immigrants, documented and undocumented, but no problems with voter fraud. Here are the state’s ID requirements for registering to vote (not listed: your signature beneath an oath that, to the best of your knowledge, all the information you have provided is accurate):

Voter Registration

To register to vote in Massachusetts you should provide one of the following:

  • Last Four Digits of your Social Security Number
  • Your Massachusetts Driver’s License Number
  • Your Massachusetts ID Number

If you do not have any of these IDs, you can provide a copy of one of the following with your registration application:

  • Current and Valid Photo ID
  • Government Issued Document that shows your current name and address
  • Utility Bill
  • Government Check
  • Bank Statement
  • Paycheck that Shows your Current Name and Address

You can alternatively provide one of these documents when you vote to complete your registration.


No worries…I am old…75 yrs to be precise.
I’ve already check by phone with our Recorder’s office as to my registration and fitness to vote and everything appears to be correct. Last Wednesday, before my phone call to that office, I got a text that my ballot would be sent to me on Oct 9th. Maybe I’m a bit of a nerd about this but voting to me is serious business and very important, It’s my one way, outside of a protest demonstration, of offering my voice to the national discourse. I WANT TRUMP TO LOSE… by a landslide if possible. And then take the hint and go to Mar-a-Lago and shut the fuck up. Maybe yell at Walt Nauta (his body servant) or Jack Smith or the cops who’ve come to begin the process of incarceration on his ass.

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Dear Hubby has to do the same in Connecticut.

As I noted last week, he filed his registration to vote here, but misunderstood the signature requirement (thought it was electronic, but they need a wet sig). He’s off to town hall next week with an appointment with the clerk to make the signature.

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While the error did not impact registration for voting in federal elections, it doesn’t matter to some — the fact of the error has, unsurprisingly, given Donald Trump, his allies and conspiracy theorists fodder to continue fear mongering

Says who? After the disappearance of all the dogs and cats in Springfield, fear mongering is looking more like a shoulder shrug than “sky is falling” hysteria. Trump and JD, “you got nothing!” What is it they have left? Vance is a clown, party is stuck with NC Robinson, Fed dropping rates, Zelensky coming to see Biden who will have Harris at his side. Photo ops you can’t buy, Kamala with that priceless smile, Trump with his stupid scowl.

But we all have to still run scared until we hear the roar of the crowd coming around the next turn. Head down, picking up the pace.

Hells bells, here I thought I was being clever…

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