I didn’t extrapolate it as “Democrat” disaster. I’m in IT, so I know how often it happens (and it happens to most everybody unless they plan really well and they test really well and most folks underestimate effort and underestimate testing time which is a disaster waiting to happen).
However, you can put good money on this being a major GOP talking point for a long time – just like the initial hiccups on Obamacare.
Because the Oldstream Media wants its blood money between now and November. If the truth be told, a lot of easy moolah from all those stupid suckers Trump will tap for more hate-money will dry up, and all that money goes to ad buys in the first place.
Citizens United was Pandora’s Box, as so many of us predicted. And nothing but evil has emerged from it since it was conjured up from Republican Hell…
Dilbert’s creator, Scott Adams, has gone to the dark side, he’s a Trump supporter. It’s weird finding something that can give you a chuckle, knowing the creator is a member of the Axis of Evil.
Not if you have old-timers like me on your implementation staff. The problem you run into is when you have juniors fresh out of the academy and no business experience leading your implementation.
A number of years ago, I was on a public sector (read, federal government) implementation. The purchasing team lead celebrated her 25th birthday while on the project. Her purchasing experience was the Gap. No idea how to set this stuff up.
Sadly there are 10’s of millions of people in this country who will look at this, forget all the unforced errors the Trump ‘Administration’ has committed, and conclude that Dems are just too obsessed with Trump to do anything correctly. We live in a deeply stupid country.
If that is the case, then that would be Malpractice.
McConnell and the GOP did something completely improper and never before done.
All people in this country should be made aware of that.
But there are enough means of communication for us to know what is going on and respond.
I have lived in Third World countries for the better part of my adult life. I KNOW how much people here take for granted the freedoms Trump will take away if he is not stopped. If I had a “reality app” which would (in 18 hours) compress the living in a poor country with no political remedies for 18 months, there would be no Trump supporters in the United States of America
Most importantly, it’s not a Dem problem, it’s an American problem. Notional “democracy” rendered inoperative (in part) by archaic gimmicks and willful balkanization of the voting process.