I know we all bemoan the MSM and how lopsided their coverage and ‘guests’ are.
Yesterday, the architect of Project 25 was on at least 2 MSM shows, and Thirsty Gnome on today. Why does she rank yet another weekend on the Sunday shows? And there really isn’t a bothsides argument for Project 25, it’s obviously a one-way ticket to hell.
Instead of highlighting it as the danger it is, explaining it, unpacking it’s platform, warning people…they invite the architect on so he can argue and debate and misinform.
Is this a latest version, because I’ve seen the original version, and a different version yesterday, and now this one. There were no snakes in the first two versions.
Those of you who live, lived, or have family in North and West Wisconsin (especially @becca656), but many others here, too… Make sure you read this article in today’s WaPo. I recognize who these people are – “double haters.”
I haven’t read anything about that in the info published about the debate rules. It’s not a standard practice for Presidential debates, so I would assume they won’t know the questions or topics in advance.
I’m sure both campaigns can guess the topics that will be brought up, based mostly on recent polling about what voters are “worried about.” Like immigration, abortion, the economy (phrased as “inflation”), the Gaza war, gun control, and maybe climate change if we’re lucky. I’d love to hear Trump deflect and dance his way around that subject.
A panel of voters clashed over former President Donald Trump’s claim that if he wins re-election, he wants to be a dictator on day one.
During the Sunday panel discussion on CBS, Face the Nation host Margaret Brennan asked the panel if Trump or President Joe Biden could say anything at Thursday’s debate to change their minds.
“Clash” is a bit strong. Most of those folks seem to know they can’t vote for Chump. Two of them seem to know he is a piece of shit, but give him a pass for being a ‘showman’.
Noem admits she has not been vetted. Ordinarily, that would mean she’s not a candidate, but since it’s Trump, who knows? Maybe he’s vetting the dog instead…
I am glad to see that TPM comments still have one of my favorite glitches after the update: An error occurred, body seems unclear. Is it a complete sentence?
The message came when I tried to post the part in all caps. It won’t let you say yes and post anyway. What it really means is change it in some way which you guess will satisfy the obscure and capricious grammar rules, or don’t post at all! It’s worse than Grammarly, because it won’t even tell you what it thinks you did wrong.