Trump Admin Edits CDC Guidance That Suggested Limiting Choirs At Church Services | Talking Points Memo

We insist on video.


Taken under advisement.
First trump must lose the election and lose badly … meaning a landslide.
Second… MoscowMitch must go do wn to defeat as well
These are well within probability at this point.


A Maori Hama war dance has serious flash mob potential!

Paging Lin-Manuel Miranda and Dwane Johnson! We’ve got a job for you!


Like the day the Vietnam War ended (officially anyway): another naked noontime biker parade down Shattuck Avenue, shouting “Trump’s A Loser!”

I suggest you do a google or youtube search of “Maori Haka Dance” to see what this old man is setting himself up for.

We’re so fortunate that we have a President with a really good brain and an uncle who was a scientist (in Physics) and really good intuition because he just knows a lot and he’s always right. He’s there along with his appointees to water down and correct any suggested actions by over-zealous “experts” and “scientists” (not physicists and not his uncle or in his blood line or Jared) that might impinge on your right to get infected and/or to spread the virus.


goalpost mover


It’s one thing for the White House to presume to insert itself in public health guidelines to the detriment of public health. It’s another for the White House to impermissibly promote a particular religion by censoring public health guidelines for the benefit of that religion. And by the way, these actions are detrimental to the public health not only of those attending Christian churches but also to the larger communities within which they reside.


So now we can actually just call them murderers? That’s what they are. They are not doctors or scientists or even vetted members of the CDC. This is not like editing Wikipedia.


:notes: Hark, the herald angels sing!
Covid-19 one doth bring.
Hot spots soon in heaven sprout,
Sacred duties now ruled out.
Quarantined must angels be,
Can’t fly wearing PPE.
God won’t send his son to Earth,
Meaning that Mary won’t give birth.
Hark, and hear the angels’ cries,
“Everything that Trump touches dies!” :notes:


In a recent interview Dr. Fauci also said it was too soon for communal church events like serving communion - hosts as well as wine.

And that is why Trump sidelined Dr. Fauci. We can’t have medical experts tell us the truth!


I find myself perplexed …how is allowing a religion to feature various of its adherents as death cult members to be understood as favoring that religion?

Do you suppose that any of these churches are meeting regularly now:

Sort the list by weekly attendance, descending.

The top ones are really multi-site operations, with on-line attendance too, so they don’t really have

53,000 on one site; but lots of them appear to have real one-site gatherings of around 10,000 people. Lots of singing, and they meet every week – seems like a super-spreading special.

Consider the scenario.

Just one singing super-spreader shows up at 10,000 person service - and infects 20 people (several superspreading events - SSEs - are this large R0=20), the choir SSE infected 52 people, but I doubt they were all first generation.

The 21 infected people go home, then come back exactly one week later. Probably none of them will be showing significant symptoms, but will be infectious. Virgin outbreak R0 values tend to be higher especially here - with people congregating under optimum transmission conditions, so R0=6 is not out of the question for the next interation. We are now up to 141 people.

A few of the people infected on Sunday 1 will be getting ill this week, but just a few, and probably not very ill yet.

So Sunday 3 (14 days later) about 140 infectious people show up. May R0 is only 3 this week, but still the infection load in the church is now 560, 5.6% of the entire church. And hardly anyone is taking ill, yet. But it changes this week. Anyone who is going to show symptoms from Sunday 1 is ill now, and by next Sunday one of the elderly in that first 20 might die.

But most everyone still shows up for Sunday 4. The second cohort of 120 infected, will start showing symptoms and some won’t attend. In the close knit church community a few dozen people taking ill be noticed, and it will be recalled “wasn’t so an so complaining of this a week ago?”. But the 480 infected the previous week will all feel fine and will attend, and perhaps infect 1440 people. 20% of the church is now infected I expect they would be calling off the next service - but if not they will be pushing toward herd immunity infection rates after the following week.

Start watching the news about megachurch outbreaks in about a month or six weeks.

NB. If this seems a little theoretical and maybe implausible - the province of Bergamo in Italy went through nearly its entire death surge in about four weeks.


Did someone just black out that part with a Sharpie?

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@castor_troy has it covered…

They were not well centered.

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Umm… no. I had mentioned Mitch going down several times in relation to me behaving like some dancing fool from New Zealand.
I first learned about the Haka dance in about 1965 or 1966. This kid, Brian Ball, came to my high school from New Zealand. It was a boarding school well known to send students to Ivy league colleges. Anyway, Brian joined the football cheer leading squad and taught them the Haka dance. Eventually the team did it too right before the start of a game. It was cool. And it really perplexed the opposing teams.

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I bet these guys think that choirs just show up on Sunday morning and sing. No rehearsal, no prep. I realize that there may be some that just wander in on Sunday morning, but choirs generally spend a good amount of time rehearsing, and the process would violate most of the guidelines for safety: proximity, time large groups.
I understand wanting to have church services, but the idea that you can’t have services without a choir seems ludicrous.


The Gaslight Chorale is holding auditions. Please prepare three songs of praise for Donald Trump.