Trump Admin Edits CDC Guidance That Suggested Limiting Choirs At Church Services | Talking Points Memo

One of the signs you might be in a cult is when your leader is trying to get you killed.


See also “Sportspalast”.


Death Race 2020

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This is one of the few ways that Trump supporters could take themselves out. I keep hearing people saying “It’s my choice to get this virus”, ignoring the fact that they may then spread it through their community. But in a church, it’s almost all true believers…the Trump supporters are more likely to ignore safety and spread this among themselves at church. In small communities, almost everyone would go to that church, so this really could hammer the rural, conservative areas.

It’s really moronic that they are choosing this path, but for once it’s going to hurt them instead of others.


And the True Believers are dying to vote for him. Echoing General Sherman, I say let us give them all they want.

The Center for Disease Control overstepped its mandate when it issued advice that would help control disease.


Well, sing Hallelujah and open up the Sunday afternoon and Wednesday evening pot-luck buffets.

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Trump must be so proud of his buddy.

On May 9, Brazil’s death toll from the coronavirus topped 10,000. Instead of marking the grim milestone with an address or a sign of respect for the victims, President Jair Bolsonaro took a spin on a jet ski. Video footage widely circulated on social media shows Brazil’s far-right leader grinning as he pulls up to a boat on Brasília’s Paranoá Lake where supporters are having a cookout. As he grips onto their boat, Bolsonaro jokes about the “neurosis” of Brazilians worried about the virus. “There’s nothing to be done [about it],” he shrugs. “It’s madness.”


Thanks darrtown. This horrible stuff just wears me down every single day… Meanwhile my anxiety levels are skyrocketing- Monday I’ll find out what the plan is for reopening schools here.


Poison kool-aid is by no means as efficient encouraging them to catch Covid. You can kill far more people with the latter method.

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I believe their reasoning is along the lines of “Our God will protect us because we trust him” Or in the vernacular " Put yo trust in da LORD an he gonna have yo back!!"

My thinking is: if there is indeed an omnipotent being that created everything I would think that being’s efforts would be consumed with looking after the billions of galaxies that have been created and why spend an inordinate couple of thousand years dealing with crazy folk living on a backwater dust mote in the corner of a long forgotten arm of another of the billions of galaxies and multiple trillions of worlds within them? There must be a lot of life elsewhere that would need attention I would think. We are just a dust mote as I said. There is no reason to spend effort here since life is up and running.


This is exactly what Obama did personally - and millions in this country died from ebola. It’s just that Fox forgot to tell us about it for some reason.

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If they and their families all agree to hang out in the church until they all die or recover on their own, taking care of one another and letting God do the rest, I’m all for it. But the moment they feel compelled to call in a pizza or a paramedic, then I’m no longer in favor of their right to make that choice.


Because if the churches were told what the virus would do in certain situations but went ahead and did it anyway, it would be easier to hold them legally responsible if they were warned by the CDC. Some of the meat packing plants made the argument that there had been no guidelines IIRC.


I have promised to do a Maori Haka war dance in my driveway to the consternation of my neighbors yapper dogs should trump lose the election.
My 11 r old grandson was supposed to be starting a new school this fall as he enters the 6th grade. I am not sure what the plan is at this point. His Gamma and myself have been doing lessons for him remotely in addition to his regular on-line stuff. He is a very bright kid and I want to give him what advantages I can as a former medical school teacher. At least I can impart some worth while science his way. We had some serious fun a couple years ago building water rockets out of liter soda bottles and launching them.


And India seems to be making a strong push from far back in the pack as well.

Is Trump really going to let backward countries, s*hole countries, full of brown people, like Brazil and India, win this race with the US? How weak would that be?

U S A! U S A! U S A! We’re #1! We’re #1! We’re #1!:us::us::us::us::us:


The Verdi Requiem would be appropriate.


Guess they figured out more black churches have choirs.

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Sadly, not all places of worship are insular.

For my church, there are a lot of older Fox News followers that want to return to services ASAP. However, several also volunteer at soup kitchens, helping distribute food at our food pantry, make lunches for local homeless people, visit shut-ins, etc.

There’s an isolated few I know of that are complaining about “their rights” to reopen, but I’ve found that people being reminded that masks are pro-life and that you wear them to help protect others has helped.

[My area was rural, but parts of our county now include commuter communities, so the character of the region is changing]

As for myself, and many others, we believe God gave us brains and science for a good reason - so we’ll keep distancing until it’s safe.


I’d love to see video of your War Dance! That sounds like the kind of high-energy dance an event like that deserves.

I may not have the knees (or back) to join the dance here at my home, but I’ll definitely be celebrating in spirit!