Trump Admin Aimed To Create Taxpayer-Funded COVID PSA Based On Pro-Trump Politics

That’s like post-WWII Germany announcing a record drop in Jews murdered.

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Kanye, Ice Cube, that black guy who’s always sitting behind him at his rallies…

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‘Multiple People Have Passed Out’ At Trump Rally

I don’t expect the response from the campaign to be any different than the Omaha response.

I have no pity for these people. They knew the conditions they were going into. They know the precautions that should be taken - they live there, for G-d’s sake; how could they not? - and if they didn’t take them and this happened to them, then too bad for them.

This is supposed to be the party of personal responsibility. Get on with it, then.


Another Trump admin scam? Using taxpayer money to provide support to Trump’s presidential campaign? Trying to put a thin layer of whitewash over the effort that no competent person could fail to see.

What is it about this that would surprise anyone? SOP in Trumpworld.

I understand that Darth Vader supports him. That’s what people are saying. I don’t know if it’s really true or not. Just saying . . .

Nah - Darth knows a loser when he sees one.

Darth isn’t voting this time.


He’s also reality based by Trump world standards and sufficiently literate to read the writing on the wall. Inching away from the upcoming reckoning as fast as he can without putting himself in Trump’s crosshairs.

Please… call it what it was… an attempt by a cashless Trump campaign to get some free promotion.

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The “suburban housewives” would really go for this guy:


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They are literally the dumbest people on the face of the earth, so it’s just a culling of the herd.

Why I call him Don Vader. All in the family…

Putin is Palpatine, obviously. Only it’s not all going as he had foreseen!

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“defeat despair, inspire hope” on the pandemic, based on President Donald Trump’s politics

How about a little effort to reduce the spread of the fucking virus?

That rising rate of positive test results (red line) debunks the “it’s just more testing” bullshit.

What more testing does do is get us closer to the real number of new cases per day, which could be described as “numbers like we’ve never seen before”:

With appreciation to


Well in truth the PSA was crayon stick figures someone drew for maybe $5.00. The balance was to be transferred into a special COVID account controlled by JerJer for personnel expenses.


The way
Republicans are obsessing over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wearing $14,000
worth of clothing in Vanity Fair you’d think she’d spent
$140 million of taxpayer money to play golf at resorts she

— ‏ًً (@someknew) October
29, 2020
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Exactly. How many hours and tax dollars were spent on googling celebrities until they came to the realization that all that was left on their list was a handful of C-listers?

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Why is this news?

This and much worse in support of the Dear Supreme Leader happens in banana republics all the time. We became one on January 20, 2017. Fealty to the Leader and to serve his whims and interests by any means necessary is an integral part our constitution now, written or not.

I bet that the ones catching hypothermia in Omaha and passing out from the heat in Tampa are the Trumpfluffers that follow his rallies all over the country, like a fascist version of Deadheads.

And since most of them aren’t from the areas where they’re held, and they aren’t bright to begin with, they don’t bother to prepare for drastic changes in weather either by location or time of day. “It’s so warm today, I’ll just wear a jacket to the airport rally at 8 pm. It won’t get that cold!”

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