Trump Admin Aimed To Create Taxpayer-Funded COVID PSA Based On Pro-Trump Politics

The campaign only pays commercial rates for seats of people, not the amenities which are all part of the office


…and NOW the man is out there running on the SAME ‘promises’ that he made in 2016 but was ‘unable to fulfill’ due to … whatever. It looks like he couldn’t help the middle class because he was spending their dollars as soon as they came in. But those 1%ers? C’mon…those are the ones that stay in his hotels, join the Club and feed Donnie’s ego.


I am. He and “his people” have done so many outrageous things that this would be somewhere near the caboose in this train wreck of an administration.


I’m sure that they have been shredding documents for the past four years, but it will still be stunning to see how much theft and graft we will discover after they are gone.


What amenities? I bet tRump doesn’t even provide peanuts on the flight.

Enforcing that concept would create a lot of open seats on the Supreme Court.


Well, they’ve always got Jon Voight and Chuck Norris.


The Independent has an analysis of Trump’s claims vs reality including graphs related to COVID, but my favorite is not really Covid related:


This kind of thing reminds you that concepts like honor, decency, prudence, tolerance, honesty, patriotism, etc aren’t as antiquated as some may think.
Many Republicans seem to believe in concepts more than they do in facts. It wouldn’t hurt more Dems to start framing our policies and behaviors in those terms. Biden and Obama both do it well.


“Helping the President will Help the Country”


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Thank God this administration is as incompetent as it is corrupt.


If you happen to have HULU, allow me to recommend Alex Gibney’s documentary about COVID entitled Totally Under Control. But only if you feel the need to go from complete incoherent rage to white hot diamond hard hatred.


If they use the slogan “Whip Infection Now”, they may be able to find some old stocks of material to jumpstart the campaign.


If trump had a national and coherent science based plan to fight this viral scourge he likely could get reelected… Instead we have idiots in charge… and millions infected and hundreds of thousands dead…

Fewer tests means fewer cases (known of but they didn’t care about knowing).
It’s the stupid man’s play. Like betting big on a hand in poker when you don’t even have a pair of deuces to work with. Nobody with two working neurons believes the bluff.


I really would like to see mass Hatch Act prosecutions next year, to bar all these folks from federal employment permanently. (And to prevent them from voting in florida)


Well, he is “draining the swamp,” and by “swamp,” I mean the U.S. Treasury. He’s draining it into his own pockets.

I’m already there and I have yet to watch the documentary.

I’d like to see the Hatch Act not only enforced, but enhanced. The current level of penalty just isn’t enough to deter these monsters from their appointed rounds. The act has no teeth in it because it was NEVER imagined to be needed for such heinous crimes.


We rightly focus on the deaths, permanent physical harm and intense suffering of so many due to the pandemic that Trump has made vastly worse by handling it so horribly, but there’s also been massive economic damage well beyond what would have been unavoidable as a direct result of this. If I were a proprietor who had to go out of business, I’d put this on my front door:

Closed Due to the Trump Pandemic and Recession
Don’t Forget to Vote!


James Woods. Kirstie Alley. You know the A+ list celebrities.

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