Troye: WH Staffers Discussed Possible Scenario Of Trump Refusing To Leave Office | Talking Points Memo

OT but interesting. People trying to nail down the identity of Q (of Q-Anon fame) - looks pretty solid.


They hide in plain sight. I am elated my Dad never had to have witnessed this. His detail was counting those fallen under fire at Normandy.

It is literally treason what they are doing.


People committed suicide if they could not serve.

But, whatever the communication to protect us from fascism WAS in 1942, it seems to have met less resistance than now, with FOX, Trump Nation and the GOP actively pushing against those trying to save this Republic.


There you go, right there. The Human Pustule has never been able to do anything without the willing executioners of federal agencies who are all compromised. We have seen that there’s a sizeable cadre of technocratic Little Eichmanns at Justice alone that have happily gotten past the norms, protocols and guidelines of how government has functioned in the past and transformed them into a heaping mass of sewage. Darkness may not last, but its effects do.


Very few people are going to jeapordize their careers and liberty by following his orders after 12:01PM January 20th.


I know I keep saying this, but I don’t believe he has a path forward if he needs to overturn the vote count in more than one state.

If it’s another Bush v. Gore in just one state like Florida that would give him the win, he might have a chance. But if he needs to contest the vote in two or three states to get over the top? With each state having a different voting system, and a need to mount a credible legal challenge in all of them?

And then he’d have only 4 weeks to get all this done before the electoral college votes in mid-December. Even if he manages to move it up to the Supreme Court, they would rule by then, like they did in Bush v. Gore. He won’t be able to drag this out into January.

Bottom line: I don’t think the election will be so close that it comes down to just one state, and he’ll need that to pull this off. So it won’t happen. Relax.


Whoopie the house is going to protect us. They can’t even force a Trump undersecretary to testify. Total bullshit.

He’s clearly referring to before that date. And I certainly don’t see a growing publicized exodus of high-level functionaries doing much to limit the extensive damage as it stands right now. They’re not blocking the line of tanks: they’ve outstretched their arms to point the way.

And if anyone gets riled up by that, well, I did not put them into that position. They’ve already made their choices.

The thing is, it’s not actually just because of that one creature. It’s because of the GOP. If they had any moral compass, he would never have risen to power.


I love you.

So I give you this:

"It is likely that some troubles will befall us; but it is not a present fact. How often has the unexpected happened! How often has the expected never come to pass! And even though it is ordained to be, what does it avail to run out to meet your suffering? You will suffer soon enough, when it arrives; so look forward meanwhile to better things. What shall you gain by doing this? Time. There will be many happenings meanwhile which will serve to postpone, or end, or pass on to another person, the trials which are near or even in your very presence. A fire has opened the way to flight. Men have been let down softly by a catastrophe. Sometimes the sword has been checked even at the victim’s throat. Men have survived their own executioners. Even bad fortune is fickle. Perhaps it will come, perhaps not; in the meantime it is not. So look forward to better things. "



Indeed. The elections are run on a state-by-state basis and only they can cancel them. The Republican governors are for the most part sycophants and they will do as they are told and hold no elections. That means that only states with Democratic governors will vote, leading to a possible shutout with Trump getting no electors.


Trump would not recognize “honest” anything if it bit him on his ass. If he DID recognize" honest" in anything, he would not like it and would steer well clear of it. “Honest” is for suckers.


Please don’t say “committed” suicide. It’s not a crime.


“I want a smooth, beautiful transition,” Trump claimed, adding: “But it’s got to be an honest vote.”

As long as it’s understood that any scenario that doesn’t involve him winning isn’t an honest vote.

Fuck him.


So The GOP is still hanging on to the madman so they think they can retain power…got it.


“…if his achievements hadn’t been overshadowed by reports speculating that he had ties with Russia”

Donnie, Donnie! You can stop those reports by doing ANYTHING to indicate that you DON’T have ties with Russia.
. . . waiting . . .


Let us be clear about this. If Trump loses the election he will cease to be the president at noon on January 20, 2021. Period. Stop. Finish. No matter where he is. And at this time and day, the term of the presidential successor begins. This is as mandated by the Constitution.


GOP governors are already saying no. They don’t live in DC - they live with the people whose votes they’d void and they aren’t going to do that.


Marmalade Mugabe is my new favorite nickname for that tub of sentient oleomargarine.


Barely sentient tub of oleomargarine. :wink:

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