Troye: WH Staffers Discussed Possible Scenario Of Trump Refusing To Leave Office | Talking Points Memo

The main point is that Biden is supposedly getting national security briefings now. With “Patch” Ratcliffe as DNI, the quality may be suspect there as well.


If your boss is crazy, go on Rachel Maddow and spill as much tea as you have in your possession.


I am so furious at Cornyn right now with his ads pretending to be Mr. Friend to Abused Women. Yeah, he really cares about rape victims, but if they get knocked up, that’s God’s will.


Couldn’t agree more. People forget that Hitler came to power in completely legitimate , lawful means.

Worrying is overrated, generally useless, and something we choose to succumb to. One can choose to not be overly rattled by all this. Concerned, vigilant, eyes open, sure, but not paralyzed and defeated. I literally don’t know why Dems, when threatened or attacked, don’t counter it IMMEDIATELY with an even more aggressive counterattack. Instead, we gaze at our navels and go through this ONOEZ he so mean process. Turn on MSNBC any night at any time, and it’s almost always sound outraged and worried reaction to something Trump said or did INSTEAD of a discussion of what to do about it.

When Dems are guests on these shows and are asked what their response is to the latest Trump outrage, it’s usually some anodyne defeatist bullshit about how they hope that Trump comes to his senses and listens to his FUCKING NON-EXISTENT better angels. DAFUK?!? Are they stupid, in denial or cowards? He’s the fucking devil. You shoot the devil in the head and then you shoot him again. In real-world terms, what this means is that you go after Trump by every means you have, like not dithering and waiting fucking 3 years to go through with a half-assed impeachment that was over 5 seconds after it started. For 40 years Dems have been playing battered wife and I’m fucking tired of it.

So no, I will NOT play that role, thank you. When you’re being mugged, you don’t think about how not to anger your mugger or what terrible parents they had and whether there’s any good in them. You find a rock and bash his fucking head in till he’s dead. And then you find a gun and shoot him.


That wasn’t an impeachment. That was a family intervention by concerned parents. A real impeachment would have come a year sooner and consisted of way more charges. Pelosi is not a fighter. I don’t know how many times I can say it. She’s ALWAYS saving the powder for a fight she never intends to get into. She knows how to get legislation crafted and whip up votes, but waging political fights with bullies on the other side is something she’s terrible at. She talks but doesn’t DO.

The GOP’s obvious and open attempts to steal the election is a fucking CONSPIRACY THEORY?!? Dude, where have you been since, well, 1972? If they’re not offering alternative predictions that take all this into account, then they’re just blowing hot air. We don’t live in a world where elections are fairly held and any prediction that doesn’t take this into account is useless.

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Great, Dems exploiting another scandal to fundraise. I’ll pass. If they can’t win without my money then they can’t win with it. I have no time for beltway “attack ads”.

And that’s the thing, we’re stuck on normative ways of thinking about the world and acting in it, when in reality the world is often not the way it’s “supposed” to be. The world keeps reminding us, rudely, how things really work, yet we keep reacting to it as if nothing’s amiss. Isn’t that a functional definition of insanity? Fact is, we live in a world that has monstrously evil people in it who are bound by no norms or rules or expectations, and if allowed to act as they please, they tend to cause massive and irreversible damage to it and the people and other living things in it. Such people MUST be opposed and put down, even if it forces us to confront some unpleasant aspects of reality and do things we’d rather not. We can’t keep hiding behind comforting norms and preferences.

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Seriously, who does she think she is spreading that BS that you’re preparing for a possible who is that with your prep planning because if you are you’re part of this illegal overage and attempt to overthrow our government woman by spreading your BS and agreeing with what he said you can find yourself in hot water Missy.

He doesn’t have a choice in this matter we fight a king and his military the best military in the world for our democracy and a one-man Carnival barker/snake oil salesman thinks he’s just gonna take it away. Seriously you’re stupid. So the choice is yours since squatting is not allowed in the peoples house and we’re sending you an eviction notice if you lose the election you will be asked to leave if need be or you can leave standing up or feet first the choice is yours because Joe Biden wins he will be moving into the White House and you’d better be gone. And take those Moochie children with you what a worthless a lot you’ve raised or rather your Three different wives have raised since you’re a deadbeat dad.

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Die, disco-bot! Die!

Was going to mention the he was a half decent poet and lyre player.

That dumb shit didn’t even manage to match his fatigues with his boots. That’s gotta be some sort of LARP fail.



Put the burden of proof where it belongs.

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To a worrier like me, that is beautiful.

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Funny you should say that. I have a good friend, middle class like me, who I haven’t spoken to in many months. I had leanings from conversations previously that he might be a conservative but we don’t talk much politics. I spoke to him just the other day to invite he and his wife over for dinner and he bragged that he is now a delegate for the Republican Party here in Michigan. He’s pumped about all the Trump signs he’s putting up. I asked him if he could come up to my place with a Biden sign in the yard. He chuckled and said no I’ll just laugh at you like we do all the Biden supporters.

That’s their whole mind frame. They don’t care about anyone else but themselves and their dear leader. To them we are weak and a joke. Don’t think dinner will be happening. It was very troubling. Just a bunch of rich guy wannabees making fun of democracy.


That wall around the White House is not as protective as he thinks it is.


Died by suicide is what we use here. Or died from depression.

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Trump is America’s psychopathic abusive husband. We all want to leave him forever but we fear what he will do if we try, and in the meantime the msm is afraid to say out loud that he’s capable of murder and his friends insist that we are the crazy ones and he’s only violent because he loves us so much, and if we only gave him a chance he’d act better, so the abuse is really our fault.

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