Tracking The Main Excuses GOP Senators Are Offering Trump Ahead Of Acquittal | Talking Points Memo

I really wish one of them would go ahead and admit they really want the apocalypse they’re enabling.


They’ve also bear hugged the argument put forward by the Trump legal team that the conduct the House’s case describes is not impeachable because it is not statutorily criminal.

Why do I keep seeing this outright falsehood on TPM? Withholding aid appropriated by congress and soliciting election assistance from a foreign country are both illegal.


I started reading this article but had to stop. I couldn’t stomach it. Every single one of these GOP senators is literally disgusting.


The truth of this whole matter is that had Trump been the CEO of a corporation with a Board of Directors he would have been fired and tossed out on his ass three years ago.




Obviously you missed the most obvious excuse



Roberts is retiring and Kris Kobach, Roger Marshall (of the House) and Susan Wagle (president of the Kansas Senate) are all running in the Republican primary. Last week they were at the same event trying to prove who would be the most loyal and regular kisser of Trump’s ass. They apparently don’t understand that role is permanently occupied by fellow Kansas Mike Pompeo. What’s the matter with Kansan remains a question without an answer.


Mike Pompeo is your man. Trump will bring the end times and all the good people like Mikey get to go to heaven with white, bullying Jesus.

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And Susan Collins joins the “He’s guilty but we don’t care” caucus.


Who the F are you talking about here? Mind your mouth, you whippersnapper.

My guess, it’s in the water, but who knows where/when the crazy first appeared.

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The only thing more pathetic than a pessimistic young whippersnapper is an optimistic old whore gone in the teeth.

You forgot- I have absolutely zero cojones.

Yes, we have no cojones
We have no cojones, today…


Please…there are no excuses for what we are seeing and hearing from these pathetic troglodytes, all of the parsing, semantics and lies are not going to change what is real…these people abrogated their oaths and pissed on America and the people that elected them. They turned the Senate into a bastion of criminality that makes even the legal bribery by lobbyists look like an honorable pursuit. The stain of deceit will be with them always…they are the McCarthy moment of the 21st century…may they bask in the fetid infamy they deserve.

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Collins also suggested that Trump has ’ learned his lesson ’ from the impeachment experience.

Really? So what lesson has Trump actually learned?
“I got away with it twice, so why not again and again? Especially since the GOP has my back.”

He apparently believes his own self-serving hyperbole – the Constitution grants him absolute power to do whatever he wishes, because what’s good for Donnie is good for the nation.

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Twenty years from now, if any of us are alive, and HOPEFULLY history has been written with the TRUTH about what happened, we must erect a large bronze display under the capital dome with all these quotes from these GOP senators and call it the “Wall of Republican Mendacity.” I was a Nixon-hater, and grew up in a family of good Nixon-haters. However, in 1974 I felt that Ford pardoning Nixon was okay. Enough. The truth had come out, and the guilty power-crazed President and his henchmen had been shamed for trying to mess with an election using burglars to break in to the DNC headquarters.

While studies show that harsh penalties as a deterrence mostly do not work, clearly Republicans are big believers in deterrence sentencing for a reason. We let them get away with these very similar crimes in 1974 and as amoral actors utterly immune to the appeal of democracy, they never learned their lesson, and they knew they could get away with it.


Oath breakers — every damn one of them!


Are you talkin’ 'bout Miss Lindsey, Ralph?

SusCol has as usual done the both sides thing, saying trumPPs behavior was “wrong” but evidently not wrong enough to convict.

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I really do think some are trying to bring on the Rapture.