Tracking The Main Excuses GOP Senators Are Offering Trump Ahead Of Acquittal | Talking Points Memo

You need a category for Senators who won’t give a reason for their vote. Call it… AWOL?

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There is nothing they can say to justify letting a criminal off.
In fact these senators are more corrupt than Donald.
They are enabling this criminal activity.
And, they have no shame.
They need to be kicked out of office.
Do their “christian” voters/supports have the decency to actually follow their faith.
Doubt it.

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It’s not an acquittal. It’s a Mulligan. You can’t have an acquittal without witnesses or documents presented. Voters know what happened here and it’s was not a Perry Mason or Matlock moment.

Getting by with it is what Republicans do. They get caught and then they forgive each other like they are all The Second Coming of God.

Surely the most disgusting is the Collins flavor of disgusting, constantly looking for a fig leaf to cover obvious treason with willful misunderstanding.