Top Writer For Tucker Carlson’s Show Resigns After Secretly Posting Racist And Sexist Comments Online | Talking Points Memo

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Shocked face

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My condolences about the Dartmouth.

Do you mean that white supremacist talk show host on the white supremacist network had a white supremacist writer???

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What a lame title. Idi did soooo much more.

Twenty-five years ago, Dartmouth had a reputation as very fraternity oriented. What we used to call “white-hat” culture in the NE.

The (Very firm) opinions I had as a student about the relative worth of various institutions have been upended in the intervening years. I have met a lot of people who wrested excellent educations out of institutions with mediocre reputations. And also people who got fancy degrees but no education whatsoever.

Go with the best fit, but advise your kid to think hard about campus culture. If I recall, Dartmouth is in the middle of no where, so if on-campus doings don’t float your boat, you don’t have a ton of other options.

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This guy? Ha ha ha! C981BE6E-9A38-4E7F-B997-688ADA8F408F

WTF you’re telling me all these aces in the hole I hate so much have WRITERS??? IT ISNT EVEN THEM???

I only keep up with what Media Matters says about him

I tried to watch that odious clip but I couldn’t do it—just couldn’t do it.

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About hobbies

she says:

I love politics, current events, history, college sports, traveling, being active and staying in touch with my friends

He says:

most of my hobbies allow me to escape women

Instead of holding her hand or putting an arm around her, he’s protecting his er um basket of bits

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Avoided reading this article because it seemed more of the same but glad I did. Metaphorically speaking what an absolute suprecmisct Dickhead who can’t keep his extreme hatred to his fellow human beings in his pants.

Can someone like this ever change and become a better human even having fully tasted the glory, power and adrenalin rush of being the behind-the-scenes enabler and mouthpiece for someone who continues to metastasize their cancerous public discourse?

Like most RWNJs he was fired for getting caught.

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… will have plenty of time to play Call Of Duty now. :laughing:

Another brick knocked from the Wall Of Racist Assholes™

A bit of vomit formed in the back of my throat…

Dumb question: Given that Tucker Carlson openly expresses racism, why does @FoxNews mind him having a racist writer?

— Benjamin Wittes (@benjaminwittes) July 12, 2020

And Carlson of course was shocked, and claimed he had no idea.

Thanks. Pretty short article. Wonder why Dartmouth decided they needed to highlight a red-meat fabricator in their alumni mag. That kind of crap would never happen in my alumni mag. How can Dartmouth print this shite with a straight face?

"We’re very aware that we do have that power to sway the conversation, so we try to use it responsibly,”
“Our show is controversial—that’s just objective—but I don’t believe that we’re stoking conflict,”

Yep. Plagiarism. That will get you fired every time.

Even if the ones doing the firing are themselves plagiarists, misogynists and racists.

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Blake Neff landed a job where he could follow his passion. He liked his work so much that he also did it off the clock. Maybe he can find a slot in the Trump administration.

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