Top WH COVID Adviser Clashes With Trump’s ‘Rounding The Curve’ Claims, Says Rising Cases ‘Are Real’

trumpfs stupidity is really getting tiresome…he is saying,literally, that testing causes the virus…all testing does is identify people who carry the virus, without being tested, people would never know they carry the virus and are slow to seek treatment until they really sick…

Don’t know why this popped into my head.


Wisconsin had over 5,000 yesterday.

“The increasing cases, and our increase in deaths today are the largest single day increases we’ve seen throughout the course of this pandemic,” said Andrea Palm, Secretary-designee of Wisconsin’s Department of Health Services. “We must take significant and collective action.”

The state’s seven-day average of new cases has increased by more than 400%, Palm said. It took seven months for cases to reach 100,000 there, and only 36 days to hit 200,000 Evers said.

And still the State GOP wants to blame Evers for this when they’ve sued every time he’s tried to do something, insisted that he needs to work with the legislature, and the legislature hasn’t called a regular session in 200 days.

And they think this is a winning strategy. They’re about to find out how not winning it is.


Let’s say, “Trump lies. And we die.”

Office of White House Lies:


What I will be interested in is the response of the anti-vaxxers whose primary argument is the vaccines that have been around for dozens of years haven’t been sufficiently tested.

If they then advocate taking the CV-19 vaccine with its history of weeks or months of testing, then I call BS on their entire movement and that decision discredits them entirely.

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Did she even take a basic science class during her education?

or seeing a gyre of ghosts

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Here is what ‘rounding the corner’ looks like from a friend of mine in GA:

Have a friend whose mom has been on ventilator for weeks now and in coma, due to Covid-19 …now has bacterial pneumonia not responding to antibiotics and an ecg for brain functions showed series of seizures and now indicating severe brain damage. Family is having to make hard decision about taking off ventilator since she cannot survive without it and unlikely at this point to recover from pneumonia. So sad.

She and husband had been taking precaution but don’t know exactly where or from whom she was exposed. Another friend has both parents with Covid-19 and husband in and out of hospital. The mom is hard to convince she shouldn’t be going to door without mask,etc., so they think that’s how she got it and him and he has underlying condition and had stroke with it.

One of my husband’s brothers is in permanent nursing home care and test was inconclusive and he was moved into area isolated and thankfully on re-test came back negative. He is bed ridden and can barely feed self. Please, please use masks, wash hands, safe distance, and clean surfaces, etc.


I’m sorry the state has gotten this bad. The signs were there when people elected that good ole’ drunk Tommy Thompson. It has never recovered from that low point.


Not quite OT, but interesting:

Opinion by, Jennifer Rubin, Columnist, Oct. 27, 2020

If polling is accurate and former vice president Joe Biden wins handily next week, we can look forward to some very big changes: competent Cabinet officials, coherent policy initiatives, respect for the Constitution, a foreign policy that favors democracies rather than brutal dictatorships and depoliticization of the Justice Department, to name just a few. But apart from concrete policy, we can also look forward to a host of things that we once took for granted:

White House news releases without typos, weird punctuation and other glaring errors.

Official documents that read like official documents in tone and that come out by email or hard copy, as opposed to tweets.

The absence of childish name-calling, insults, racist remarks, gaffes characterized as “jokes” and singling out of individual companies simply because they failed to boost the president’s ego.

A White House press shop that earns the presumption of trustworthiness until proven otherwise and — at worst — relies on “I don’t know” or vague evasion rather than outright lies.

News conferences in which the president does not personally insult members of the media, exclude them for writing things he does not like or dub them “the enemy of the people.”

Presidential interviews with respected news figures, not sycophantic media personalities.

A normal presidential schedule in which hours of TV time are not built in.

No more Stalinesque Cabinet meetings in which officials try to top one another in fawning over the president.

A president who communicates directly with the leaders of the House and Senate.

An administration that knows climate change is real and that more intense forest fires don’t result merely from insufficient sweeping of the forest floor.

An engaged first lady who takes up important public causes with tangible results.

An administration without relatives working in the White House.

A president who does not make money from funneling attention and revenue to his holdings.

No judicial nominee who is rated “not qualified” by the American Bar Association.

An administration in which “Infrastructure Week” is about infrastructure.

A president who can comfort the nation in times of tragedy.

A president who does not use the military as props.

Our Democracy in Peril: A series on the damage Trump has caused — and the danger he would pose in a second term

A president who has some basic grasp of American history, including racial injustice.

A president whose advisers are not overwhelmingly White men.

No presidential awards for political hacks, contributors and toxic media figures.

A president who never utters the phrases “red state” or “blue city.”

A White House counsel’s office that at least tries to get it right by providing advice in accord with the Constitution and statutes and polices unethical conduct.

An administration that favors easy access to voting.

Policy pronouncements issued only after consideration by relevant experts and departments.

A president who does not celebrate police brutality or excuse war crimes.

A president who does not embarrass us on the world stage.

A president who knows that there are no NATO

“dues” and consumers pay for tariffs.

A president who understands the benefits of forward deployments and alliances.

A president who does not encourage Chinese detention camps or defend the human rights record of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

We could go on, but you get the idea. When you start making a list, you realize just how abnormal and infuriating President Trump’s conduct and rhetoric have been. You also remember that having a president who is a decent human being and tries to put the voters’ interests above his own is no small thing.


What education, Turmp U? ha ha ha ha ha

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my blue state is limping along with a governor who dictated county rules… so the reds want to impeach…
I guess our experiment is unnatural.


glad she put her opposition to “tweets” near the top of her list…

What will be fun in the next administration during the court trials will be how all of these are relevant as evidence in the trials. They are official communications and, therefore, are admissable.

and back ups are everywhere!


And sick deplorables sicken and kill health care workers.

…Wednesday morning pushed back against President Donald Trump’s falsely rosy framing of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Donnie doesn’t paint ‘falsely rosy framing:’ he bleats like the Judas goat he is.


Does no one is the whole gorram world know how fscking exponents work? And if the self-immolating idiots don’t do anything differently it will only take another 36 days to hit 400,000.


It’s why the WI GOP may be on the ropes next week.

Non-politicians apparently understand this. Field hospitals on a fair ground where people have been enjoying the fair for generations is not a good look.

No sessions of the GOP-run legislature in nearly 200 days is not a good look.

Evers gets it; and notice from the article that Palm is still a designee head of Public Health, thanks to the GOP legislature, which permits everyone to discredit her because she’s not ‘official’, thanks to their inaction.

Seriously. We get it and we’re doing our darndest in paddling upstream against gerrymandering to fix it.


rising cases are real

Europe, which has done a good job of minimizing death and destruction from the pandemic, is about to shut everything completely down again because of a clear, growing wave.

In the United States, Trump and the Republicans are doing nothing, except stoke fear in a fearful time. Unchristian and unamerican.

Change the Senate. Change the world.

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