Top VP Contender Rep. Karen Bass Denounces Past Cuba Comments | Talking Points Memo

I’m beginning to think they put Bass into the mix so people who really want Harris will sigh with relief when they pick Rice and vice versa.


The decision was made weeks ago. All the drama and disarray and horse race coverage is the traditional razzle dazzle to keep the suspense going until the convention that Twitter has, as Twitter will, made a bit more toxic than usual and the traditional moron “strategists,” “donors,” “people close to” and “people familiar with thinking” who have no actual clout or influence and think there’s still time to change his mind…


“Mistakes were made.”

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How many Cuban exiles does it take to hold the most powerful nation in the world hostage: Apparently not that many.


Not when every last one of them votes.


You never heard of Rice, the last prospective pick I named? She was in the Obama administration, appointed to a national security position. Or do you mean Bass, who I’d agree is fairly obscure.

Don’t worry, they’ll find the most milquetoast centrist they can find and wonder why they couldn’t get people to the polls,

Bass. I’m all about Rice.

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Biden needs to nominate someone who has name recognition among all voters and an ability to skewer Trump daily in the same way that he tweets lies, innuendoes and insults. I understand trying to balance the ticket, but Bass doesn’t meet either of these criteria. There are many other candidates who do.

Biden should also wait until the convention to announce his pick. We don’t want to give this fascist White House any advance notice. And let’s build up some suspense among voters so they watch the speeches.

Once announced, I want our VP candidate to stalk Pence for a full week before their convention. Then I want her to lay siege outside whatever venue they set up for Trump to hide behnd during their convention.

The visual of an uppity woman swinging a shillelagh at a 13 ft. wall built for Trump to hide behind would be primo and set off our supporters in a way like nothing else could. I want Republicans to be on the defense from now until election day.

Biden just needs to act presidential and announce his excellent choices for the Cabinet in a very deliberate, orderly way over the ensuing weeks leading up to the election. The more we give people a chance to contrast what Trump chose as his Best and Brightest with who we propose the better. It will also allow Biden to lay out his agenda in each area in a short, concise way that doesn’t get boring.

Meanwhile, let’s let the woman VP candidate do the heavy lifting on the campaign trail. If you want it done in a threatening way to white supremacists, let an intelligent black woman who isn’t afraid of anything go after them.

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Do people even know what socialists and communists are these days? They’ve been throwing those terms around for so long that they really don’t what these terms mean anymore. Do they even know what “democracy” means? Probably not.

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Kamala Harris will do. That the only people upset by her are hard core Biden supporters bothers me not one whit— who the hell else are they going to vote for?

VP candidates are supposed to be able to throw punches— she can. She has won 2 statewide races in the nation’s largest state. Is she perfect? No. Is Biden? No. Do we need to beat Trump? Do I need to answer that?

Rice— I would be comfortable for with her if she ran for something before. I have no idea what her political chops are.


People do know what “incompetence” means.

Plus Empathy? Compassion? Who’s he trying to kid? Hippy!

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He’s too politically correct. It’s ruining our society, the political correctness. Everyone agrees on that. Blah blah the poor blah blah the meek in spirit.

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Agree with everything you said. Rice would definitely be good in the job, but I’m not sure if she would fill the bill for moving the campaign along.

Harris could also do any job well that is asked of her once Biden is in office and needs someone who can handle big initiatives. She hits all the bases for everything else you stipulated as well.

But best of all for me, she’s younger and adds an edge to the election. We need someone who resembles the next generation and can highlight their concerns.

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Just go with Harris or Warren.

If it weren’t for this honorable gentleman, our party might still be in a dogfight between Bernie (I assume) and gosh knows whom. He should maybe get the Peace Prize. (Kidding there, but he’s one of the greats.)

Perhaps the miscreants can be held in a damp, dark place for the first few months until we have time to deal with them.

Hillary Rodham Clinton has a whole life history devoted to public service. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again now. Her character, background, and experience would have made an excellent President. Sadly, she also was a pretty lousy candidate. And it is a national tragedy that the skills to faithfully execute the office are so unrelated to the skills required to apply for the job.

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