As acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire testifies about his handling of the whistleblower complaint, we’ve had time to go through and pick apart the complaint itself.
I understand that this guy’s in a tough spot and I have some empathy for him. I’m simply amazed that he can speak at all with his head tucked so neatly in Trump’s giant ass.
My take away is that Democrats need to hire some competent trial attorneys with real cross-examination skills who can write their questions for them. These guys have no clue how to ask a line of questions. It is painful to watch.
Yes. The substance of his actions compels his resignation, as well as that of Pence and Barr who were also involved. The problem is that the convoluted lines of questioning obscure the enormity of the crimes here. Democrats get the gravity. But for a national consensus to coalesce around impeachment everyone needs to appreciate what happened. Democrats now need to work on messaging.
“…the whistleblower alleged that White House staffers placed the record of the July 25 phone call between Trump and the Ukrainian leader in a separate electronic storage system…”
Edit: just ignore all this stuff; I misunderstood hagarwood’s point.
A small point of clarification - the Inspector General found the complaint credible and forwarded said credible complaint to the (acting) DNI (as required by law).
The DNI is then required by law to transmit the complaint and supporting documentation to Congress within 7 days. Instead he checked with the subjects of the complaint, as you said.
The Inspector General (Michael Atkinson) is so far looking like the only real law-abiding patriot in this mess. Besides the whistleblower him/herself of course.
The secret server is beyond belief. We’ve always said Trump and his enablers were Masters of Projection. Slam dunk! Giuliani is writhing and groaning that he’s being tortured because of these revelations. I’d put money on him fingering everyone involved.
Because thugs never want to go down alone.
What a putrid mess.
Btw, I wonder what Hillary is thinking this morning?