Top Hill Republicans Are Demanding Secret Service Director Resign After Trump Shooting

Originally published at: Top Hill Republicans Are Demanding Secret Service Director Resign After Trump Shooting

A group of top Republicans on Capitol Hill have responded to the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump during a Saturday afternoon campaign rally in western Pennsylvania by calling for Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle to be replaced.  House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) told Fox News on Wednesday that he will “call for [Cheatle’s] resignation,”…

The stopped clocks are, at this moment, correct. The shooting was a massive failure by USSS and the agency head should have resigned immediately.


More noise from a bunch of traitors who have worked very hard to ensure that weapons of war are legal and easy to access.

Who take no ownership of their own calls for violence and retribution.

Who look for opportunities to scape goat women and government.

And who would love to see the SS headless to create actual holes in security oversight so their fanatical cult followers have more opportunities to kill democratic politicians, judges, and voters.

Stay. What can they do other than huff and puff?
Call more bullshit hearings? They were going to do that anyway. Tell them to pound sand and get their lazy bums back to work.


Cheatle is just taking the usual GQP position of complete lack of personal responsibility for anything, ever. See also any Republican politician who’s ever fallen dick first into someone other than their wife.

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The Secret Service is suspect since they erased all the text messages from January 6th. I don’t believe Biden trying to right the ship affected the Deep Trump people there or anywhere else n the Federal Government.

When they talk about the Deep State they are describing the people with integrity that will not roll over for them.

Worth mentioning these are the same people that said women couldn’t be in the Navy. My father was in charge of the first women in the Navy, and they did great. But there’s nothing like a barroom bloviator and their ‘common sense’.

Common sense is what you have when you know nothing about a subject, seek to learn nothing about a subject, then pat yourself on the back for not going to college.


Hey, what better way than a little “failure” to get your female director fired if you’re a MAGAt KKKult KKKristofascist KKKlown SS Agent who is beyond mindlessly pissed off that a woman is in charge of the outfit…


IIRC, Steve Bannon gave an interview in June before going to serve his prison time.

He claimed that his biggest fear was Trump being assassinated, since the Secret Service was poorly run and doing a lousy job.

He claimed the blame fell to the woman heading the Secret Service, that she should be fired.

Sounds like the same song we are hearing today.


They wanted the attacker to go on shooting until the job was done?

I can’t help but remember the reporting that on January 6 TFG said that he didn’t need them to screen the crowd for weapons because they liked him. My question is how much the campaign pushed back on security. They wouldn’t have counted on a roof top shooter, of course, but they do have a history of assuming that everyone loves their guy and would never hurt him.


Agreed. I realize that they are making their arguments in bad faith with a soupçon of misogyny, but yeah, this was a major fail.


Who takes the blame and accountability for this mess?

Law enforcement sources said Crooks was identified as “suspicious” an hour before the shooting, and the Secret Service deemed him a “threat” 10 minutes prior to Trump going on stage, but let the GOP nominee take the podium anyway.

Every police officer and USSS agent who knew and let it happen.


Or whoever was in charge of trumps detail at the event. Unless there was some action she took that caused them to overlook things, its just pure sexism.


These guys are genetic throwbacks whose dumbass shite would be lost if it wasn’t for their money.

Money is devolving our country. Unlimited money is destroying it.


Exactly. Cheatle’s post ipso facto rationalizations for what did/didn’t happen have also undermined a lot of confidence and continue to do so, because she honestly makes very little sense and gives every indication of C.Y.A. behavior. Just yesterday she was opining that of course there weren’t government personnel on that roof, because it was too steep. Except… the actual government snipers were literally on a much steeper roof. Why is she even talking if that’s what she says?

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Eh, it was the macho male meatheads on the ground who screwed up. The whole lot of them should have been fired after they deleted all the text messages to cover up their complicity in Jan 6.


Not that it matters but comments under Morning Memo did not get turned on


And they have a most unqualified white male with several convictions to replace her.


If it gets to Biden with just me supporting him against a felony criminal and convicted sex assaulter …



He’s not president yet


Who cares? The SS has one job and they failed to it. If you want to know about the organization read “Zero Fail”. You will not be impressed.