Top Hill Republicans Are Demanding Secret Service Director Resign After Trump Shooting

Half-right. She should set in motion a full, agency-wide review and investigation, and commit to resigning when it is completed. Gives time for a replacement to be lined up, learn the job as ‘Acting Assistant Whatever’, and then implement the report’s recommendations.


This is what these guys are best at: pissing and moaning instead of governing and making sure government agencies are adequately funded.


While it may just be a short coming of my own, it seems ill considered to be demanding a resignation before the investigation is done and a report has been written.
I find it redolent of scapegoating.


And a proven track record as a GQP operative.

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Anger is their only driving force, no matter who it’s directed at. But, especially when it’s a woman, they seem even more motivated. Republicans are not a party. They are an unthinking, uncaring, despicable lot. They may be right this time, but it’s not because they’re right. It’s because it’s yet another chance to get angry.


The director’s agency clearly didn’t do its job. Being fired if her agency failed is what she signed on for. This isn’t a big issue. Fire her.

The better use of our time is to figure out what went wrong and why the agents seemed to think Trump was not going to be a target so they could relax.


The “President” was almost shot! Was Biden there?


How many people typically get IDed as “suspicious” at outdoor rallies? What is supposed to happen once the SS deems someone is a “threat?”

Did the police officer inform SS that someone was on a nearby rooftop before taking time to investigate?


My comment was that trump is not in office. I said nothing at all about the Secret Service one way or the other. Again my whole end to end comment was this

He’s not president yet


Special thanks for the expression “Deep Trump people.” I hope it is available for use outside the TPM world.


Ah, the bleating of Moscow “he can still be held criminally liable” Mitch. If he had just done his fucking job then, the sack of shit would no longer be eligible, and NONE OF THIS would be happening.


Only a claimant to the throne.

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To me, it’s immaterial whether the Secret Service Director resigns or not. The person who should get the chop is the USSS agent who was the on scene Special Agent in Charge. The Director probably couldn’t find Butler PA on a map, but the SAC had plenty of time (weeks) to develop a coverage plan that would have made sure that no “line of sight” positions were not manned. It is pure luck that Trump is alive, with no credit going to the USSS.


Fire away!

Kind of describes the posture…

That’s how deep the money runs.

The GOP are awash with it, and in America money makes you innocent.

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Anything to avoid dealing with gun violence, easy access to firearms, whipping males up to hyper-macho mindsets of anger, the past decade of violent speech and images on Republican fundraising platforms…nope, find a scapegoat.

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So, who has final say on the head for Trump’s secret service detail? AFAIK, that’s Trump. Is that the case?

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“Last week’s near-assassination of former President Trump was a grave attack on American democracy. The nation deserves answers and accountability,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) posted on social media following the briefing.

And yet the J6 mob was just quietly sight-seeing…

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Both heads should roll. Biden should have done this once the news broke that USSS thought local police were responsible for that rooftop. Traffic cops aren’t trained in counter-sniper ops. It’s unthinkable they thought this at all.

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From the GOP, it’s DEI, and the usual MAGA argle bargle. Maybe Jim Comer can find a way to link Hunter Biden to it.
It was a major screw-up. Hasn’t the Secret Service heard of surveillance drones?