Too Little Too Late: The List Of 11th Hour White House Resignations | Talking Points Memo

A string of President Donald Trump’s administration officials are resigning after a mob of his supporters violently stormed the U.S. Capitol in a bloody episode that killed at least four people on Wednesday. 

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A “growing list” … of THREE? I’m hoping for updates on this article.


Reminds me of the Billy Zane character in Titanic who realized at the last minute he didn’t want to go down with the ship, and pretended to be a child’s father so that he could get on the last remaining lifeboat.


I hated that movie when it came out but now it has a whole new relevance.


Now those are some high ranking assholes . May they never be employed again.


They can run but they can’t hide. No distancing will work - not if we as a Nation won’t let it.


No heros here. Some did step up yesterday but they contributed to yesterday’s chaos with their support of Trump.


“So, Ms. Grisham, I see you worked in the Trump White House.”

“Yes, but I had to resign. Things just went too far.”

“I see. And what was the date of your resignation?”

“January 6, 2021.”

“OK. I think I understand. Thank you for coming in.”


I am wondering which White House appointees, staff and employees were co-conspirators and accomplices to the incitement at the January 6 Coup preparations. Who did the planning and scheduling, wrote the speeches, prepared the briefings, arranged for the transportation? Who marched with Skanky after he issued call for a revolt and told the insurrectionists to march on the Capitol? How did he leave the scene?


Mulvaney appeared to defend the decision of his colleagues who stayed telling CNBC in an interview that, “those who choose to stay, and I have talked with some of them, are choosing to stay because they’re worried the president might put someone worse in.”

You know remembering back to school days, if some student was disruptive they were removed, or contained, like in the coat closet in grade school. We’ve got less than 2 weeks, who could Trump find that is worse? Who could pass the security check in 2 weeks?
I do kind like the image of Trump wandering the halls looking for someone who will praise him.


Sorry, but a couple of minor staff don’t constitute a story.

Who would even miss these people?

Would we even know they were gone?


No forgiveness earned here. None. Complicity is complicity.


Mulvaney’s resignation is a little higher up the food chain.


Mulvaney appeared to defend the decision of his colleagues who stayed telling CNBC in an interview that, “those who choose to stay, and I have talked with some of them, are choosing to stay because they’re worried the president might put someone worse in.”

So, Donnie’s sifted through generations of appointees until he’s left with a bunch of enablers who’re invested in the notion that, some how, some way, they can control him.
I’d think it behooves them to think about how their decision to stay might color their own future, including by putting their liberty in jeopardy.


Mulvaney appeared to defend the decision of his colleagues who stayed telling CNBC in an interview that, “those who choose to stay, and I have talked with some of them, are choosing to stay because they’re worried the president might put someone worse in.”

Sadly, I’ve come to the same conclusion. Right now, the righteousness of a resignation would be mitigated by the danger of the next, more-unhinged sycophant who could exercise the power of the office they assume. Let the fluff resign today (the deputies, and the insignificant staffers), but we need the rational to maintain a grip on the levers of power for the next two weeks.

In a week we may be looking back on January 6 and find the events of the day quaint in comparison to what follows.


OK ‘list of WH resigners’, put on a pair of overalls, grab some gloves, head to the capitol building and volunteer to help clean the mess.


I guess this means that those who resign are confident that there is no one worse who could take their place. I suspect they are right but there are a number of people left who could conclude the same.


All of them, including Ivanka and Mark Meadows. Jared is in the ME counting and hiding loot.


“those who choose to stay, and I have talked with some of them, are choosing to stay because they’re worried the president might put someone worse in.”

That damned excuse could have been put forth starting 1/20/2017.


It is darkly hilarious that a couple of social secretaries and the most essential important and magnanimous special envoy to Ireland have more dignity and guts than the senior white house staff and cabinet secretaries.