Tom Steyer Makes 2020 Bid Official | Talking Points Memo

Billionaire environmentalist Tom Steyer on Tuesday announced he is running for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, arguing that corporations have wrested too much political power from the people.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

OWD 2020! (Old White Dude)

…Not like we had enough of them already up there or anything…


Steyer’s playing into Trump’s hands. That alone disqualifies him.


Billionaires buying a nomination is easier for republikkkans than for democrats. At least it should be.


Well, at least he’s not running as a third party candidate as (I greatly fear, despite his recent low profile) Howard Schultz still well might. But that’s the only positive thing I can say about this. Steyer brings nothing to the table policy-wise that, say, Elizabeth Warren (admittedly my favorite candidate by a wide margin) does not except self-financing and extremely low name recognition. He can’t win (probably a good thing, we don’t need another businessman president, even a liberal one) and can only suck oxygen from more viable candidates.


Billionaire environmentalist Tom Steyer on Tuesday announced he is running for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, arguing that corporations have wrested too much political power from the people.

He’s a good person and I’m glad he’s running.


I really don’t know why, there’s already so many people and he’s not going to poll very high, since we’ve already had 1 democratic debate. I don’t think he’ll get the name recognition or attention to make the September Debate


Meh, the debates are overrated. Only crazy political junkies like us actually watch them, especially this early in the game.

I presume he’s got the money to ensure good exposure in Iowa and New Hampshire, and a good showing in those helps build its own momentum.

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Since I don’t know anything about the guy, what’s it about him that you see that would make him stand out from the rest?

It Must be nice to have money to burn.


Showing once again that you can have all the money in the world and still have your head up your butt.


My dear Mr Steyer. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.


There are lots of good people out there. People who could be president. There are probably at least 100,000 people in this nation, perhaps a million, who could be president. But we don’t need, or want, all of them to run. As it is, the field is too crowded. If Steyer had jumped in earlier, maybe. Now? No. Stay home, Tom, and give money to help in the fight.


A better move would be to do all he can for Inslee, assuming that he really is an environmentalist.

True that. And I’d support him if he ran as a Rethugliklan.

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Well, it is.


I don’t know that he will “stand out from the rest.” I just happen to like him. As I said, he’s a good person.

If you’re asking for a discussion of policies he favors, we can have one – just not at this instant.

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He has, and continues to do so.

Stepping into the race at this point demonstrates such bad political judgement that it is in itself borderline disqualifying, even if I were predisposed to like Steyer as a candidate for other reasons, which I definitely am not.

Never held office? Never served in government at any level? Go away.


Corporations have wrested too much power from the people! Therefore, vote for me, a self-funded billionaire!

Seriously, though, as someone else said, at least he’s running in the Dem Primary, and not as an Independent. He’s no Schultz.


Steyer is the founder and former co-senior managing partner of Farallon Capital and the co-founder of Onecalifornia Bank, which became (through merger) Beneficial State Bank

“We’ve got to take the corporate control out of our politics,”
