Time For Another Audit! Trumpy PA State Sen Demands Long List Of Election Material From Counties | Talking Points Memo

After months of wind-up and a failed effort to throw out the votes of his own fellow citizens, the Trumpy Pennsylvania State Sen. Doug Mastriano (R) announced Wednesday that he was initiating an “audit” of Pennsylvania’s 2020 election and this year’s primaries. 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1380272
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any day now


It is time for the DOJ to step in and stop the nonsense.


Pennsylvania state Sen. Doug Mastriano, whose campaign spent thousands on buses to ferry supporters to D.C. for the rally that led to the attack, said after the riot that he did not enter the Capitol, walk on its steps or go beyond police lines; and that he left the area with his wife “when it was apparent that this was no longer a peaceful protest.” He released a statement at the time condemning the violence and calling for those who broke the law to be prosecuted.

But in videos analyzed by members of the online “Sedition Hunters” community and posted on social media over the weekend, Mastriano and his wife appeared to be in a crowd as it breached a police line. Mastriano was wearing one of his campaign hats and a dark-green scarf on the day.


I imagine his requests and “21 day deadlines” will be summarily ignored.

What authority does he have over the people tasked with gathering this endless list of private documents? None, I imagine.


I am so damned tired of belonging to the party that always has to defend democracy and make everyone eat their spinach. Can’t we just take this bastard out and shoot him?

BTW, when everyone was shopping for hot dogs last week, the Supreme Court turned AZ into a red state again with their 6-3 ruling that making it hard for native Americans and Latinx people to vote is totally constitutional and people need to stop whining when things are “inconvenient”.


This country looks like nothing but fraud from the outside, so we’d better f—ing get our good citizen acts together and register voters like never before. Today, I don’t see that even the Democrats have learned much about messaging, but the other traitor party has been successful for about 50 years. Time to get angry yet? Time to stop playing the stupid games?


So, the people of Pennsylvania’s counties would also like to buy new voting machinery?
Or, is Mastriano gonna cover that part of the cost outta pocket?


I don’t know about PA, but I doubt it is much different from here in VA. In that case, he ain’t touching nothing with a court order. Even sending these messages out to the counties is a joke. They won’t respond to anyone but the court, unless they want their asses sued.


Pennsylvania State Sen. Doug Mastriano ®

Where the FUCK do these assholes come from? And then consider, they have a following?

We are DOOMED.


Not going to stop anytime soon. Trump has hijacked the GOP and they are stumbling over each other to kiss his ass.


Just my thought. He’s grandstanding. Not only is the request beyond the pale in terms of what it asks for, but since when can a single legislator, acting alone, make such demands?


He sounds like a low down dirty…Republican. May his demands be met with a cease and desist letter.


Can he do this? Does he have standing to get his traitorous hands on this equipment?

Why would the state tolerate this shit from a known traitor? There are no grounds for an audit. There was no fraud the election was legitimate and certified fifteen ways to Paducah

Just tell him no, don’t let him get started, just effing no.


But the important thing is that Liz Cheney wouldn’t move on from the 2020 election.


I believe that what Mastriano got his hands on was public facing documents. Something about the ballots being posted online, but that doesn’t sound right to me, but hey what do I know.


Right. The Rethugs are going to keep doing what they’re doing until Democrats decide to fight this shit. It’s not the Republicans that are the real problem, it’s complacent Progressive Democrats who refuse to get off their asses and do something about it.

Now watch me get slammed. :laughing::rofl::joy::joy_cat:

I’m starting to wonder if the plan is to destroy the voting infrastructure of the Democratic counties in swing states…take out the voting machines, give them limited resources to replace them, and win elections. I don’t think they are smart enough to have developed this strategy, but it may be the end result from all of these audits of voting, especially since they insist on access to machines, tabulators, and networking equipment. If they really get going on that, I would hope that Democrats figure out a way to get machines in place, up to and including having the federal government supply the machines if necessary.

Republicans really are ramping up their efforts to undo our election system and twist the legal system so they always “win”…we really are in danger of losing our democracy to their efforts.


what you have here is a
… deranged, obnoxious, power seeking racist, xenophobic(see article below), highly unstable wannabe dictator … a retired power famished …Colonel of the United States Army (still stewing over the fact that he never made general - not even a nibble) - tried to run as a candidate for U.S. Representative in Pennsylvania’s 13th congressional district … no luck there either …
But now he has been a Pennsylvania State Senator - and has - 2- Years of Experience !
and by God he is now going to make people see thing his way !!!