Tim Walz Lo The Boom On JD Vance Over Jan. 6

I think that’s a forklift. But I can understand her confusion.

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Semantic games. 159 killed or wounded, including children…mostly women and children taking refuge after being displaced. The fact that they killed women and children is not deniable. The corpses and wounded speak for themselves. Resorting to “meh, kill 'em all…they’re just adult men” as the excuse and/or justification is just trying to rewrite the facts. And yeah, I’m fully expecting the “oh well, we get to indiscriminately kill women and children if they’re being used as human shields” bullshit too. It ALL needs end and this shit is not the way to end it. It will just perpetuate it…and that seems to be Netanyahu’s goal: perpetuation and escalation in order to grab up the land (and delay/avoid his rightful prosecution, not just by Israeli authorities, but also hopefully by the Hague).

We should cut off all military and other aid to anyone in the region that is not strictly humanitarian. But I will say that DEFENSIVE actions like helping to shoot down ballistic missiles without going on the offensive and without providing offensive weaponry is something I consider humanitarian aid. Preventing death and getting out of the business of dealing it or assisting others in dealing it. That is the only thing I can tolerate at this point as our country’s response/involvement. Short of that, we should just end being involved at all and if Israel wants to make itself a pariah nation by committing the obviously intended genocide/ethnic cleansing and land grab, then so be it, because that indicates they’re already beyond help or reason.

I see. [backs away slowly]


I gad a few 90’s SLs.

Good little cars, dependable.

Definitely burned some oil, but great otherwise

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Speaking of backing away slowly and intractable problems. There was a homeless woman on the bike overpass on my ride today. I waved at her when I passed her the first time, on my way back she said something, but all I got was “raped.” I stopped because I think she’s “at risk” due to her circumstances. Turned out she said she had been raped by someone’s astral projection, I said I didn’t know who to report that to. She didn’t seem to be a danger to herself or me, but I’m not qualified to help.

It made me wonder what JV means when he says “do something about our mental health crisis”. Is he talking about dealing with this situation humanely, or does he just want to find a way to disappear inconvenient people.


Al Jazeera, owned by Qatar-- you may remember those folx, they also not only house hamas in exile, but the Taliban-- as the source is getting tiring.

BBC’s not been the best, plenty of infiltration there, but even they’re not going Full RT propaganda crap, while also noting that the claims are from the hamas terrorists themselves, who have miraculously suffered zero military casualties in conflicts with Israel going back the last couple of decades.

Right. Nobody is telling the truth unless it’s what you want to hear. Welcome to post-truth MAGA brain rot.

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You’re literally being fed Democracy-undermining election influence by russkie-led propaganda.

Dunno why it was obvious to everyone in 2016 that it was happening, but now, in 2024, targeting our side, “oh, no, that’s not happening at all”.

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Tim Walz is a good campaigner. video at link


Hmm - it’s odd that she’s reappeared now, she must think TCF is going to win - no other reason to sully her spotless (!) reputation by associating with the felon after keeping him out of grabby tiny finger range the last 4 years, since Slenderman is now independently (ha!) wealthy due to the MBS bung.


That’s not rational. It’s also not “bothsidesing” to point out that both sides (meaning HAMAS, not the generationally destitute Palestinians being victimized) are, in fact, engaged in bloody wholesale murder of innocents to punish each other, mete out vengeance and achieve their ends. They are. That is an empirically observable fact. It is not mitigated, excused or justified by ANYTHING either (or any, since we should probably be including Hezbollah and Iran and others in the grouping) of them can say. We should not be part of it any longer in any way other than as a source of humanitarian aid for those who need it. And any demand that an assessment of who “deserves” it should be inserted is nothing but evidence of a broken soul.

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Jefferson had many Black people around him. He believed in educating them in carpentry and agricultural trades. Jefferson had amorous relations with both White and Black women, resulting in families of descendants.
(AI photo of father Jefferson and smiling, well clad Black people in Hollywood versions of old timey costumes and a lot of amber light thrown over all)



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Given how many of the people in the club were at least 3, if not all 4, of the above, it just shows how atrocious TCF’s personality (or whatever you call his collection of psychological issues) actually is. I think it’s the last two that really did him in. Uncouth, uncultured, ill-educated boor.

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Yeah, TCF is safely tucked up in jail and not running neck and neck in a coin-flip election. Great job, Merrick!


I’d say it’s not rational to believe what a terrorist organization claims, as reported by a propaganda network.

But, hey, I’m just an irrational person, wanting objective facts reported by independent news networks.

Guess she’s there for a photo shoot? Doesn’t appear that she is helping anyone.


Thumbs up at funerals. Cemeteries. Natural disasters. War zones. Mass shootings. Insurrections.


Jefferson is too complicated a character to turn into a cardboard cutout, AI generated or not. He did believe that an educated populace might be the best safeguard of the republic. He and Madison also hatched the nullification scheme during the Adams administration and spent the rest of the their lives trying to hide their involvement. He spoke about inalienable rights, but kept slaves.

The right likes to quote his sometimes fiery rhetoric, but also appear to forget that it was Jefferson who introduced the separation of church and state1 into our American lexicon. There are mountains of contradiction there, and as with artists sometimes you have to appreciate the positives and acknowledge that the bad was there.

1 Roger Williams made the same point about 150 years earlier, from the standpoint that it corrupted the church. Overall I’d argue Williams’ argument is the more provable but who am I to say.