Tim Walz Lo The Boom On JD Vance Over Jan. 6

I see the problem.

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I don’t appreciate what the media did to Joe Biden and I’ll never forgive them for it, but they inadvertently (emphasis on inadvertently) did us a favor.

Kamala is unquestionably the much stronger candidate at this point of their respective careers and gives us our best chance to win. Moreover, since Joe stepped aside, voters can now focus their attention on Trump - on his slurred speech, his illogical remarks and meandering speech, his confusion and misstatements. We don’t even need the media to point this out, though it would be nice if they did their job. And he’s far too self absorbed to ever step aside for the good of his party.


All while being able to focus the DOJ on the rest of the J-6 insurrectionists.
The anti Garland Eeyore brigade have been quiet lately.


Both left the debate with the same vibes as pre-debate

Thats bad for JD


While I see a solution.


Well, that’s kinda what the mayor has to say. If the insurance companies raise the rates by 5x, it’s a different story.


More cases.

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It was always stupid. Biden hired him for exactly his approach.

If one hated it… Biden was always the one they should have been mad at… Garland did what he was hired to do


redacted Jack Smith filing out.

I’m having a beer.


I drove 2. The first I really don’t remember. It was a parity Formal or something.

The second time, I drove some chick’s car because she was housed. It pulled severely to the left. She’d probably wrecked it or something. The cops followed me into the QT.

I was able to talk my way out of it. It didn’t hurt that Danny (female) was yelling at the cops and Ieas able to shrug my shoulders and say, “I’m just trying to get her home. And it pulls to the left.”

I got her home. I was holding, buggy, at the time. I felt lucky to get out alive.

Fieros suck.


The Lauder family have been right wingers for decades. One of them ran for mayor of New York City in 1989 under the Republican Party and Conservative Party lines promising to privatize public services and create vouchers for parochial and Orthodox Jewish schools.


I’m not trying to sound snobby, but TSF’s club is full of rejects from other Palm Beach country clubs. And if those other Palm Beach clubs would admit Jews and Black people, they’d probably dump their membership in Merde Largo.


Brain? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


So I’m out at a bar with some other couples. The one girlfriend of a friend talks about being deployed in OIF/OEF.

Turned out her deployment was to an office in Virginia.

Wish Walz’s folx had simplified his answers on this crap generally. It’s pretty darned clear that he’s aggrandized things along the way, if not in commission, by ommission, allowing people to hear something more than what the facts were.

OTOH, approximately 8 billion people were in lower Manhattan on 9/11 and personally witnessed the Towers fall, just ask them, so it’s not like any of his stuff is particularly egregious or disqualifying.


The early Fiero had some teething issues. Namely engine fires and overheating. By the end of the model run they had improved with the final 1988 models being the best with improved suspension and drivability. In typical GM fashion by the time they got it right they dropped the model.



Not enough to create the orphans…gotta murder 'em too. I’m so very very done with our country’s support for Israel. They’ve squandered the moral high horse they should have had as if they were trying as hard as possible to squander it. We should reduce support to strictly humanitarian aid to Israel and Palestinians and nothing more. Enough is enough.


I have only worked indirectly in that industry. They are some dumb motherfuckers.


Ummmm… even the headline doesn’t claim they’re being used as a school or an orphanage, since the victims are “displaced Palestinians”. Let alone the usual caveats that every young adult male is a “civilian” if killed, according to hamas.

How about a whisper capaign suggesting that Vance won’t passively wait for something to happen to get dump out of the way? Designed to make dump paranoid?


Heh. I’m down.

So Bance controls Trump?

ETA: Saw the typo and kinda liked it