Tim Walz Lo The Boom On JD Vance Over Jan. 6

Does the shot have to be at anyone in particular, or is it the poster’s choice?


:thinking: So how many of these non-white immigrants will take their US born children with them? They’re gonna have to also do away with birthright citizenship.
I’m assuming that no one who worked on Project 2025 or The Heritage Foundation did a cost analysis of these schemes.


Gen Z apologist :rofl:

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Shouldn’t someone sprinkle some holy water just to make sure?


You say Passive/aggressive & non-confrontational and I say measured and polite. Like you I have lived on both coasts and the south and fortunately Europe, Africa and the Far East. I understand the “regional” characteristics given by society but I also understand the basics of human nature. We’re all the same.

I mean, Komrade Kamala hasn’t yet confiscated everyone’s guns, so really should be a personal choice while we still have Freedom.


There’s no other walk of life that I can think of where you wouldn’t be challenged if you spouted lies and mistruths. Republicans have become far too acclimated in being able to tell lies to the American people without having the media call them out on it. They do it all the time in Committee hearings, then filibuster to prevent their guest witness from responding.


It certainly shone in Uvalde no?

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Not just those elites. Donald always wanted to be part of the old money society crowd. Think Brooke Astor, Gloria Vanderbilt. Kitty Carlisle Hart, Lee Radziwill etc. (see the series The Swans). I think there’s a story where he referred to Brooke Astor by her first name and she corrected him saying, “that’s Mrs. Astor,” but that’s how she preferred to be addressed by anyone except her closest friends. tRump was simply too stupid to understand society etiquette. They thought, and rightfully so, that he was brutish and trashy. He’s had a personal vendetta ever since his rejection by New York high society and we’re all suffering from the repercussions.


Hopefully there is enough here to become an October surprise.



Its why he bought MAL…

Even Post was higher society


Have you talked to you credit card company? Have you tried another CC that Act Blue doesn’t have on file?
Good luck

Maybe it’s quite brilliant of Garland to punt everything to well regarded Jack Smith, The Hague war prosecutor.


TSF was a wanna-be from the Outer Boroughs who no matter how desperately he tried, would NEVER be admitted to the club. He was rude, boorish, tacky, and stingy. He has zero finesse.

And even though TSF gave club members ginormous tax cuts (there’s a reason I’ve ditched my Estee Lauder cosmetics), he’s still not given a seat at the table.


And doing it late enough in the term to not swamp Biden’s whole presidency with it…

Almost like that was PRECISELY what he was hired to do and shitting on Merrick was always foolish and misguided


Now, now just wait until we get word of DonOLD’s demise. We’re gonna party like it’s 1999. :partying_face:

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Yes! Marjorie Merriweather Post, the mother of actor Dina Merrill, must be rolling in her grave! They were the doyens of high society. They would never rub elbows with someone like tRump, so yes buying MAL was like a poke in the eye to the people who have always rejected him.


I bought a case of beer @lastroth, even the old lady is wtf? And she didn’t short DJT toilet paper because she was working. Digital is digital, I have no idea.

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I am grateful to live in a good public district in a blue city in a red state. (We chose our current house specifically based on it being in an older, inner ring suburb, and being in a well regarded district.) My kids have read Maus and Handmaids Tale, among others, through school. The kids also got factual sex ed.

The Republicans messing with school is very high on my list of Things That Piss Me Right Off. I find the book bans offensive in my core.


Was painful watching him finally get there after circumlocuting for a bit though. Ultimately, I think he saved himself with the self-deprecation because calling himself a “knucklehead” triggered that endearing dad-vibe he has.