‘Tifa Looks Like Professionals Compared To Us’: Chat Logs Show Terrified Proud Boys After Riot | Talking Points Memo

I will never forget that.


They were unable to negotiate the amount she would receive if she gave him a peck on the cheek.

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Though I’ve noticed over the decades that the villain having massive wall to ceiling fish tanks in their lair has gone out of style.

Which if it is as reported, is stunningly boring. get up, spa all day, fish for dinner, bed with the door locked, next day same, next day same, next day same, next day same, next day same


O good, glad to hear it, though it really does fit. The woman is an android of some sort.


it sounds SO boring though

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You might put a few slogans from Ghost on those t-shirts.

Well you aren’t an android.


I just love boats with trump flags.


Trump is 75. His Father who died at age 93 was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s some six years prior to that.

Although there is something of a movement which is more Trump than Trump --He got vaccinated, they refuse to – it has yet to have any other charismatic figure emerge.


They had an invitation on 1/06 and got pretty much a free shot with greatly diminished security forces to soften up the entry. They were too half assed to pull it off even with Trump’s help. That chance will never return.


And now, ladies and gentlemen, give it up for-r-r-r… the Proud Boys…

:musical_note: … A whole new world… A new fantastic point of view… No one to tell us no… Or where to go… Or say we’re only dreaming… :musical_note:


Yes, more of a celebrity than anything else and of course sympathy for her loss. HRC was a unique combo of FLOTUS, diplomat and politician.


I thought the same, they laughed at him and he was as absurd as Trumpf. Then…

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As @ajm rightly says, Trump is a lot older-- but maybe not enough older.
And it remains to be seen if this will turn into a dynasty. Like the Borgias.

All of his kids will continue to look subservient until he dies. Not a good look for a would be party leader.

The LST 77 is a landing ship tank (or “long slow target”). My father served on 2 similar LSTs in the Pacific during WWII. His first one was attacked by a Japanese suicide plane in the Philippines. Thanks for the pic of the LST in action.

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Kay Summersby?

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I said in, not out.

(groan… I know… a gimme)


After she stood up in Air Force One next to LBJ taking the oath of office to replace her husband, whose blood and brains were still decorating her outfit, I’m not sure there’s any cause to criticize Jackie K about anything ever again.

“Let them see what they have done to him.”

Special situation, to be sure.


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