‘This Is A Propaganda Video’: Interior Blasted Over Post Boosting Trump’s Re-Election | Talking Points Memo

Oh man, it’s always like barking dogs, one starts, another chimes in, and pretty soon the whole neighborhood is making puns about the ocean or railroads or whatever it is.


I would add Devin Nunes cow, but I can see you’re not in the mooo’d…

:service_dog: :ok_hand: :sunglasses: :wine_glass:


Two separate posts already on this thread describing these appointed officials as BASTARDS!


God awful shitty BASTARDS!


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You cud if you really wanted, cudn’t chew?.

Yes, I’m definitely not cow’ed by criticism…

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You’re farmer aggressive than I in that regard…


The feeling is mutual, I assure you! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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You get your upvote, but I’m feeling a tad sorry for @mattinpa so will stop for now (not to say everyone else will… :wink: )

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The trees like me back? Oh, you’ve made me so happy. :laughing:


“securing the largest investment in our national parks and public lands,”
by contracts to private corporations

“opening 4 million acres to new hunting and fishing opportunities,”
take that animal loving libtards

"and recovering a record number of endangered species.’
by recovering them from habitat and transferring them to Don Jr’s trophy room

I’m still enjoying the mandate to include hunting and killing on the traditional duck stamps - now that is some micro-managing from a team with nothing much on its hands right now in the way of work that needs to be done.



kids - this is the third time this week that something I meant to reply to one person, actually flips to the person one up. Has this happened to anyone else? Not that you don’t like trees, dear cleare, but this was meant for M

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Hey everyone! mattinpa’s bussing wenches! With their consent, of course.


Sorrow is wasted on those fully capable of loading an intellectual/rhetorical/linguistic elephant gun and blasting their critics to smithereens at will. I respect our precious @mattinpa; I even like the dear man; but I don’t bother feeling sorry for his very brilliant behind! :innocent:


You flatter me, but honestly I think of myself as a kind of righter of ones wrongs, including and especially wrongs done to me, and if I do so with gusto (Ever seen “The Equalizer,” Denzel editions?) it’s because I was raised by essentially good but relatively angry and sarcastic people. They knew this about themselves, by the way. “Well,” my folks used to say when given a tart answer, “at least he didn’t learn it on the streets.” :grin:


Trump remarking last month that his administration is “recommitting ourselves to preserving the awesome majesty of God’s great creation.”

I know that trumps ego is bigly huge,
but damn, this is a wee bit over the top even for the chosen one. sheesh

looks like foreplay at the trumps changing of the sluts playroom.

“The penalty structure for violations of the Hatch Act by federal employees includes removal from federal service, reduction in grade, debarment from federal employment for a period not to exceed 5 years, suspension, reprimand, or a civil penalty not to exceed $1,000.”

Not much of a disincentive.

And they a very warm because they have lots of coal fires burning? kind of surprising they didn’t have a lot of coal fire burning out in the parking lot.

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