Democratic campaign organizations stubbornly insist that Florida is their best Senate pickup opportunity in 2024 — less a booming declaration of confidence, more a reflection of the impossibly tough map.
Democrats are afraid of Republican interference with the abortion issue. The way to get rid of Republican interference is to vote out the Republicans. To do that the Democratic party is going to have to engage in Florida (and a number of ofther states that are ripe for the taking in 2024) but they won’t do that. That would require hard work and if their is one thing I know about Democratic politicians, they don’t like hard work.
I don’t know how to explain to all the pundits and the MSM, but the rest of the country does not give a sh*t about Florida and hasn’ since the 2000 election.
Is this piece in addition to or a replacement for the “Texas is turning blue” articles that return every four years as reliably as San Capistrano’s swallows?
I lived in Texas for 32 of the last 39 years. ALL of the major metropolitan areas are blue, with the exception of Ft Worth, which is purple. People are moving there and bringing their blue state politics with them.
It is a matter of time before Texas flips. And it will flip before Florida.
I hope that this is true!! Obama won the state twice. Florida is like Texas in that it is a non-voting state.
Bottom line, like Texas, Florida is too big of a state to ignore and efforts need to be made here to flip it. For all you naysayers, keep two things in mind: Nothing will happen if we don’t try! And if we flip Texas and Florida, Republicans will NEVER win the Electoral College vote again! That ALONE makes it worth trying!
“A matter of time” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. I’ll buy you all the Lone Stars you can drink if you send someone not named Cruz to the Senate next year.
While I agree Texas is worth fighting for, the margins are much smaller in FL and FL is much more winnable than TX at the moment. Dems absolutely need to change their tactics in FL though. Running re-treads/Republican lite candidates does nothing to turn out the vote. While we float much better candidates in TX, we are terrible at mounting the 365/24/7 campaigns that are needed to flip the state. We need to be up on Hispanic speaking radio and TV countering the GOP false narratives on those platforms. It seems like we just assume that demographic will just vote blue without putting in the work. We flipped GA - but it took year-round work - not just six months before the election…