There’ve Been At Least 5,000 Cases Of Price Gouging At US Stores Amid COVID-19 Outbreak

One store advertised hand sanitizer at $60 a bottle. Another was accused of hawking it at $1 a squirt. Chain stores were accused of selling $26 thermometers and face masks at the “everyday low price” of $39.95 a pair, while a convenience store offered toilet paper at $10 a roll next to a sign reading: “This is not a joke.”

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Who knew American Exceptionalism can be greedy…
Must be the spread of the Trumpian-Greedy-Virus!


Anyone else seeing stories about craft brewers making hand sanitizers? Apparently it’s something they can do to #1 help keep their employees employed, and # 2 to help with the shortage.


Apparently, this is catching on:

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Yeah I saw it on the news here last night, and thought hmm, a good hmm, but still a hmm.

I’ve read about that. I wonder how they concentrate the alcohol? The headline I read said a distiller, not a brewer. At any rate if they can, great. I’m sure that without gouging you could get a decent price for the stuff right now.

In other news:

Pennsylvania, which with more than 1,200 reports had the most in the nation, created an email address dedicated to complaints.

No idea why but on the behalf of Pennsylvania price-gougers I apologize. Really kind of tacky, guys!


And this is a surprise? Colour me shocked! Where’s the fainting couch?


Well one enterprising Pennsylvanian was attempting to sell liquor in the parking lot of one of the closed stores by me.


Oh man. That’s Florida Man-level stupid. Can you imagine the charges for illegally selling liquor? And all it takes is one cellphone call and up comes the cruiser, lights going. So so so so stupid.


That’s what I thought too. I can only guess he went to Delaware to get it. There’s a monster super store just across the state line, maybe 10 miles from the store where he was attempting to sell.

Gotta be a pretty long list of infractions, and it is a heavily patrolled area. Township building is maybe .5 mile away.


Anticipate a run on this drug - and any generic versions

Very early reports - express - (guarded / cautious optimism as it may be showing some possible benefits) very preliminary - - but there is a thread of scientific logic to support the potential benefit - it has been shown to disrupt the attack / attachment in the area of the spike-like portions of the human cells that are being assaulted by the COVID-19 virus - prior investigation in studies dealing with SARS (which has a similar mechanism of activity) established that Chloroquine was effective in combating this.

The drug is already approved - but not approved for this indication. Any physicians prescribing it now would be going down the “off lable use” path unless they became part of a study.

Be prepared for charlatans to soon be promoting “Quinine pills”

  • and endless jokes about the Gin & Tonic cure !

I remember years ago you could get in ton of trouble just for buying out of state. And in my early reporting years I did a story about a local police force busting a “speakeasy” that existed because of no Sunday sales at the time. I remember the detective’s puzzlement. “If you know you want to get drunk Saturday and Sunday, why don’t you just buy two bottles of wine Saturday?” I don’t recall what the charges were quite as well but it was more than would justify trying to make a couple hundred extra bucks conducting an open-air market in a suburban area where that wasn’t an institution. I mean, come on, dude.


OH GEEZ … and in Pennsylvania … the land of “State Stores” where if you want to buy Vodka / Gin / Bourbon/ Whiskey what ever - you have to go into a state owned store … not only was he illegally selling booze - he was cutting off a piece of the State’s action.

I have noticed that PA has upped their game a bit and the State Stores are a bit more user friendly …
I can recall when it was cold / sterile - everything was on shelves behind an imposing counter - - it was almost like you had to go stand in line at the Motor Vehicle office to go buy a quart of gin


Exactly. Much better now. Honestly to support the union I’d be glad to keep shopping there, they’re very accommodating.

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In France the perfume manufacturers like Chanel have already re-purposed some or all of their lines for similar purposes. And some fashion lines with compatible equipment have started making masks. I guess craft brewers doing the same isn’t much of a stretch. :slight_smile: If it’s delivered in one of their old beer bottles, label and everything, I’m totally sold


Somewhat off-topic for this thread, but tangentially related nonetheless:

Are you guys all misspelling televangelist Jim Bakkker’s name?


They don’t do the check points anymore, but I think it is still illegal to buy it and bring it back. I know they tried to change it a few years ago but I don’t think it passed.

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How many are wearing MAGA hats?

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at least gas dropped to $1.89 / gal here in home town
to bad I don’t have the urge to drive around or the need.

Oh no, I can see where this is going. Red hats will start hoarding gas in open containers (empty beer bottles maybe?) and store it beside their mountains of toilet paper. We’re one dropped cigarette lighter away from waves of conflagrations that will put the Chicago fire to shame!