There’ve Been At Least 5,000 Cases Of Price Gouging At US Stores Amid COVID-19 Outbreak

I would just like to point out that Hydroxychloroquine, the drug pictured, is not the drug that has been put forward as a possible treatment.

The drug is Chloroquine phosphate, a similar but different drug. Common malaria treatment, apparently.


That said, there apparently is some preliminary research showing that Hydroxychloroquine is useful in stopping COVID19 in vitro.

In the spirit of community and brotherhood, I am selling at cost.


There was a tweet today from the PA AG Josh Shapiro [who is remarkable] who shared an email to report price-gouging in Pennsylvania:

Here’s the story.

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This is the American Way ever since… It ‘s called CAPITALISM … this is a way to get ahead … see the opportunity … beat out the next guy … win the day … why Trump is … ain’t nothin’ new for Americans ‘cause they keep doin’ it, an’ keep fallin’ fer it … they ain’t the brightest bunch.


also - swiping from Wikipedia -
On 16 March 2020, advisor to the French Government on COVID-19, Professor Didier Raoult, announced that a non-randomized unblinded trial involving 24 patients from the south east of France supported the claim that hydroxychloroquine was an effective treatment for COVID-19

many many questions - encouraging-yes - but much much more investigation needed - but intense rapid thinking and action could enable the creation of studies that could begin ASAP - Have to hope that pragmatic & highly motivated scientific minds will prevail - and organize the research in an enormously productive way - it is important that the validation of anything with potential merit be done in a disciplined manner - otherwise you end up with a dung-heap of anecdotal results

I believe that French study used it in concert with another drug for maximum effect.

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If Barr is going after profiteers he better by god start with Trump and Jared Kushner.


If this work on Chloroquine is of interest - this article may shed some more light -

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Edit: This time I was wrong, apparently Menards is stealing Walmart’s catchphrase:

Another warning letter went to the home improvement chain Menards. Some of its stores doubled the price of a gallon of Clorox bleach to $8.99 and offered two types of 3M respirator masks for an “everyday low price” of $39.95 a pair — more than four times what Home Depot advertised.

“This is so wrong at a time of crisis,” the wife wrote in her report about the thermometer. “Contact them and tell them they can’t do this.”

Conservatives would call this “the free market in action”.


Something to consider - fans of MAS*H remember one episode where Klinger was accused of being lazy, but people discovered later he was having a bad reaction to Chloroquine, which was being administered to staff as a malaria preventive because of a shortage of Primaquine.

A significant number of people with African or Mediterranean heritage cannot take this drug.


2A, baby!

F*ck You Menards!!

And they’d be wrong

This is rent seeking pure and simple

In the case of TN brothers it is

beggaring they neighbor

as they caused a shortage locally.

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My corner fruit & vegetable stand increased its potato price from 4/1$ to 3/1$ last week.

Not exactly price-gouging, but I’m guessing we can expect a lot of low-level “inflation” going forward, even as people lose jobs and money gets tighter.


You say potato …

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Oh don’t get me wrong

I’ll be the first to acknowledge that the Invisible Hands will spank you


They don’t need any help from back woods pharma bros

“But honey, the doctor on the website said this would kill any virus!”
“Only because you mix it to sixty percent ethanol strength! That kills anything!”

(edited to add: I don’t know of any gin at least 121 proof, but you get the idea, he likes strong drinks.)

(edited again to show a list that Google search found firstworthy:)

Strane Uncut Strength is 75.3% ABV. Next is Blackwoods 60%, then Sipsmith V.J.O.P. 57.7%.

And I say “three-quarters of a potato.”

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thinking a bit outside the box will be the new thing. like shut down auto manufacturing lines sliding into ventilators. there could be job market openings for people who have recovered from the disease.

“In an AP interview this week, Attorney General William Barr pledged that the Justice Department would “come down hard” on profiteers so they are not “taking advantage to further hurt the American people.””

Boy, this is going to be embarrassing when he talks to Burr.

Meanwhile on the potato front. HEB here had standard spuds though other varieties were missing. Go to Sprouts and they were swept bare. This was a few days ago. I am guessing Sprouts supply chain couldn’t compete.