The Unholy Alliance Of Donald Trump And Elon Musk

The filibuster is dead as soon as the GQP end up with a Senate majority and actually want to pass something (rather than claim government doesn’t work), it’s only the Dems that protect it.
Sinema leaving fills me with joy. She’s a Dump level narcissist.

Musk bankrolling TMFWWNBN should terrify everyone. He’s an unchecked propaganda machine. Musk’s probably demanding that he be VP and that may be a step too far for fatso


Christamitey! Let the Bulterian Jihad begin!


Yes, Musk and Trump meet at Trump’s Berchtesgaden.

What a combo!

Can they make it work?


Gonna have to sell some meme stock or dude is worthless.


My goodness, TX Rs have so obviously gone Nazi.

I know they still dress it up as ‘the right of parents to choose their children’s education’ or whatever bullshit…but these are naked power plays, completely undemocratic. The citizens just watch this, and the majority are fine with it? I would think we are past the point where anyone can put some kind of democracy-window-dressing on it. Even heads-up-their-ass RW fuggnutts can’t say with a straight face it is about choice or rights or will-of-the-people to choose etc.


in the gaudy1920s villa built by the world’s then-richest woman whose third husband was the second U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union and who herself amassed a famously vast collection of Russian art.

You can see some if at her DC residence, now museum, Hillwood.


Here’s what bothers me about how the coverage is working in this election:

Who’s wrong about the state of the election? Is it them or is it us and how does the real story get out there?

Everything is pointing, poll-wise, to TIFBG winning in November and not by a little. Yet, the exit polls of likely Republican voters this week says they won’t vote for him. Likely Dem voters were apparently not even asked whether they would vote for Biden, like it’s already a foregone conclusion that they won’t.

Is it possible, given the two candidates and the lack of concern of the polled voters, that this could very possibly be the worst turnout at the worst possible time in American history?

Yesterday, someone said that the campaigns for November hadn’t started yet. I maintain that TIFBG has already started and Joe needs to get out there and get started already. The primary season is irrelevant now. The general season starts today (or last week, if we’re really being honest here).


Musk and Trump—two clowns who are against everything, except whatever will benefit them individually.

The votes for Haley were all clearly protest votes. And in much larger numbers than the protest votes against Biden. Sickening, however that the media has blabbed on about how horrible this is for Biden but not taking a similar tack regarding the bloated orange assboil.


Elon Musk, the Boer Little Rich Boy.


Unfortunately it’s been that way for years, trying to navigate the auto filters for recruitment is a nightmare these days. Especially if you’re slightly out of the box, I’ve got a UK accounting qualification so could never make it past the screening if I was looking for a job now.
And I’d really like the news to stop calling it AI as it’s not. Please and thank you.


I just know there’s a 12 bar blues song waiting to be written here.


I almost did a Danny Thomas spit take with my coffee this AM when NPR described the GOP’s North Carolina gubernatorial candidate (below) as “brash.” That’s apparently the approved euphemism for a Republican who calls children who survive school shootings prostitutes if they ask for gun control that might improve their chances of surviving till graduation.

Of course, it’s long been practice to refer to any politician who’s gung-ho for vulture capitalism with labor unions banned, no minimum wage or consumer protection, social security and Medicare abolished, the interstates privatized and all cropland and aquifers bought up by the Saudis as a “moderate” if he’s opposed to summary execution of women who have an abortion. That seems to have been the media’s tack on Nikki Haley.


And even with her withdrawal today, she remains on the ballots for the rest of the primary. She can still have an effect and voters can still vote for her even if she’s no longer in the race.


It’s also good paper for starting fires in my brick oven.

There ain’t no times like having no Times.

Oh the Times, they are a burnin’. :musical_note:


Long time GOP strategist…

I’m not making any predictions about November yet but I will say this:

I’ve said for months the fundamentals of this race strongly favor a Biden re-elect.

The election results I’ve seen so far confirm that for me.

Things can change. That’s why we have campaigns but….

— Mike Madrid (@madrid_mike) March 6, 2024

I really hope he’s right.

I just wonder if tribal loyalty will move the Haley people back to the walking anal fissure. They’re really not that different on policy apart from Ukraine support, so it’s not a policy thing


ShouLD BiDEN Be aLLowed to even RUN? PalMermentum handily beaTs Biden by a Landslide 11 votes!


I thought yesterday’s headlines were depressing, but now that we have added Elon into the Trumpster Fire mix, this is downright unsettling. I was feeling good for a while about the oathbreaking insurrectionist having cash flow issues, but all bets are off when we make a guy that set fire to $44 billion just to stroke his own ego and it didn’t slow him up a fraction. He could search his sofa cushions for a billion dollars.


Ahh, is Musk gonna be TMFWWNBN’s new BFF instead of Hannity or Graham?

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