The Trump Value Meal: Extra Buffoonery With A Side Of Fascism

Of course, they can’t ask about the bribe, that means they have to do their jobs.


Now I understand the Arnold Palmer comment. TDICFFG was establishing his bona fides regarding his expertise in gender studies


While Trump has always been a buffoon, I think there’s definitely a qualitative and quantitative difference in his buffoonery, as the NYT pointed out several days ago. He is clearly less intelligible, his vocabulary has diminished, his tangents are wilder and more frequent, he’s more profane and unhinged, and has much fewer inhibitions, and I don’t for one second think it’s only in service to his desire to be a showman.

Also, there are many fascists who do without the buffoonery. Say what you want about people like Putin, Orban, or Erdogan, they are deadly serious people who don’t act like clowns.


Me too.


Artificial foods? Like pleather but edible.

Oh yes. RFK Jr. is particularly big into woman things.


In fact, I tried to go to comments for Hunter’s post, but couldn’t get in. I thought maybe they hadn’t been turned on yet. Oh well. The back door works.


Et moi aussi!


With anyone else I might assume it was strategic, knowing he’s lost too much of the women’s vote and needs to boost turnout with men using this moronic locker room talk.

With Trump though, I think he just doesn’t give a shit what he says now in the last weeks of the election. He’s reverting in public to how he talks in private settings with his cohorts. Odds are increasing that he’ll let the “N word” slip out before this is over.


Clearly, more projection. The Republican Party has had a long, long history of treason-like acts, dating from at least Richard Nixon’s 1968 campaign.


I wonder how the Robert’s Court of Trumpy supporters will claim that since he was POTUS once, all of his past crimes are now covered under Presidential immunity?


The sick fuck is completely unable to focus on a proper response to a question.


Leonard Leo’s Interns already have that opinion prepared for the six assholes on the court to issue.


If you are not a ‘Trump Channeler’ like me (It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it…:blush:), I really recommend listening to Keith Olbermann’s explanation of Mr. Trump’s appeal to his followers. I rediscovered Mr. Olbermann based on a link in a TPM post a few months ago. I remembered how much I had liked him. Anyway, near the end of the podcast he explains the thinking of Mr. Trump’s base. I think he has really nailed it.

  • NV: Harris 48%, Trump 48%
  • AZ: Trump 49%, Harris 46%

Seriously AZ? Trump?

Edited to add: Is WaPo one of the horesrace pollsters flooding the zone with shit polls?


First cat? This was taken on October 5 in Pordenone, Italy.

I was there for the silent film festival, Giornate di Cinema Muto.

ETA: Maybe the second cat. So sue me.


It angers me that Harris gets lambasted by MSM about her policies and orange fat f**k always gets a pass like “Nothing to see here”.

If we ever get out of this alive, there needs to a serious reckoning with MSM doing their f’ing jobs and dealing with the GOP, full stop.


He’s got a thing about donuts.


I suspect decades of chemo. And repeated surgeries. Particularly since the cancer will flare up again any time a Republican gets into the White House or takes over a house of Congress. Or the SCotus comes into session.


Word usage note: The word for what we did to Japanese Americans in WWII is “interned” (intern: to imprison), not “interred” (inter: to bury).


So I’m a Georgia voter. I generally hold both Kemp (our Gov. & former SOS) & Raffensperger (current SOS) in disdain, but I have to give credit where it’s due: I really have a hard time finding fault in Georgia’s voting system. I cast my vote on a touchscreen and I review it on said screen. When I am satisfied, it prints a sheet that includes info on how I voted on each item. When I’m satisfied with that, I feed it into a scanner (I assume it’s a scanner of some sort) that records my vote.
So. Other than user carelessness, the only vulnerability I can see is that someone could manipulate the software to alter the tabulated results. But there’s still a paper ballot that has my actual, verified by me, vote on it. So while the system is not unhackable (and the Coffee County/Misty Hampton incident does loom in the back of my mind), at least there is a paper backstop should the system be compromised. I truly do not know that my vote was ever more secure than in 2020 (for which I grudgingly thank Republicans), and yet these people will not freaking shut up about supposed problems with Georgia elections.