Say something we don’t like, and we’ll “deport” your ass. (Not actually sure how that works, as the bishop appears to be an American-born citizen.)
These are the same people who go nuts about “government censorship.”
One striking thing is just how insecure and fragile they are. Impossible to imagine Trump responding to criticism of his policies with “Everybody has a right to their opinion.”
Also, we cannot have a functioning democracy if one political party in a two party system has become truly, and in fact, evil.
Now only if there was a way to discern which was the case, that we thought they were evil or they were in fact evil. I wonder if Megan McArdle could enlighten us with that one? Like how we might collect data, such as videos, statements, supporters, etc? The who, what, when where, how and why of journalism?
Proof, once again, that Trump and his minions are worshippers of Mephistopheles, NOT Jesus of Nazareth. They are all evil people who do not warrant any mercy.
The new Bezos-the-Suppicant Washington Post can’t. In fact, they seem to say that Biden was worse. In fact, that’s been the standard lately: Biden’s pardons were worse than the Convict’s; Biden’s pardons legitimized and made possible the Convict’s; Biden set the precedent, yada yada.
Nobody seems to recall how, back in his previous term, the now-convicted chief executive made a big point of pardoning everybody who could have testified against him, but didn’t. A sweet payoff!
It’s clarifying that it’s mostly women who have the gumption to stand up to him and get under his skin. The female pastor in Flint, Michigan who in 2016 called him out. Hillary, Kamala. A number of other female elected officials etc. and now the pastor.
Perhaps the best option is to ignore him, or, as you point out, call him a failure for whatever he does. But it’s possible that the associate bullies should be the target. Instead of criticizing TFG for his actions, criticize the Congressman who suggested that a Bishop be deported for preaching Christian principles. Hit him with an attack on his Christianity; you know he markets himself as a Christian. Point out that the supporters in Congress are more interested in gaining power than they are in defending the Constitution. Ask why they are willing to sell out their constituents by supporting policies that are going to reignite inflation. Be as brutal as possible so that they have to ask themselves if it is worth it before they kneel behind him to kiss his ass. By reducing his support, we reduce his power. I do kind of like the idea of saying “whose idea was this? That person must hate POTUS to come up with an idea so harmful to POTUS and his support for the American people”. Then he can deflect the criticisim by firing the POS who is doing his bidding.
He doesn’t care if his minions are criticized. His only concern is for his own ego. Take advantage of that weakness and hit him there. Sure, there will always be people willing to throw themselves under the bus for him, but it will become more difficult to find candidates that the Senate is willing to take the heat for approving. Make it hurt to support him.