The Trump Campaign Made A Deal With An Online ‘Propaganda’ Network

Meanwhile, Dems wait for the MSM to write that one perfect article that will blow Trump out of the water once and for all.


Then he should go golfing during lightning storms. Regularly.


ETA: Made one special for my favorite little guy too, please share it with him as much as possible.



The conservative goal is to control the narrative from K-University, the pulpit, media, AI, internet and social media to the point that they are able to brainwash America into accepting minority rule.




Debs went from railroad worker and union member to labor organizer to helping found the Social Democratic Party. Debs was jailed for an offense that today wouldn’t happen as it was a clear violation of the 1st amendment.

A month following the American entry into the First World War, President Woodrow Wilson signed the Espionage Act of 1917 into law. This wide-ranging act, still in existence today, made it a federal crime to interfere with, among other things, the Selective Service Act or military draft.

Debs, rightly concerned that he might run afoul of the government’s crackdown on antiwar protests, believed that his speech was tempered with sufficient restraint to avoid charges of sedition, but he miscalculated. The Espionage Act had lowered the threshold for overstepping the legal boundaries of antiwar discourse.

More from the AFL-CIO website.

In 1917, President Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Imperial Germany and its allies. In response to vituperative opposition, Congress passed the Espionage Act, which made it unlawful to incite active opposition to U.S. involvement in the conflict.

Beloved by many contemporaries as a man “too good for this world” who would give the clothes off his back to anyone in need, “Gene” Debs was a prominent leader of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen (BLF) in his youth. Later he helped found the American Railway Union (1894), the Socialist Party of America (1901) and the Industrial Workers of the World (1905). The best-known apostle of industrial unionism in the early years of the 20th century, Debs ran for president of the United States on the Socialist Party ticket five times between 1900 and 1920, winning millions of votes. Although none of his dreams were realized during his lifetime, Debs inspired millions to believe in “the emancipation of the working class and the brotherhood of all mankind,” and he helped spur the rise of industrial unionism and the adoption of progressive social and economic reforms.

ETA: This is the same Espionage Act that ensnared TFG. Someone who deserved it.


Eugene Debs had a platform.


Common Dreams must’ve missed that trump very carefully skirted law to lead an insurrection against the government he was president of… Most who lead coups to steal power get shot if they fail. But oh pardon me… was I too harsh on donnie Common Dreams??
No… trump by rights should be facing prison certainly in the docs case and the coup case if not committing fraud in an attempt to steal an election.


Watching excerpts from Trumps speech in Las Vegas as well as several other recent appearances I am pretty sure he is well down the line to dementia. At the very least he is too unwell to actually serve as President. I suspect that is going to come out in the next months. He might even drop out of the race, but even if he doesn’t and is defeated at the polls that will not be the end of his following.

At this point we all seem to think that Donald Trump is the main opponent to our way of life, but he isn’t. I think Democrats need to take a hard look at who they are really up against. I suspect they are funded by some billionaires who stand to lose as our economy evolves. Many of their rank and file are the stupid racists that many believe make up the bulk of the MAGA movement. I suspect more of the rank and file are members of the Christian Nationalist movement that wants hogonomy over America. They are the well organized and well funded religious fanatics who think they should tell all of us what and how to believe and are willing to kill anyone who doesn’t do what they say.

Mark my words Trump going away doesn’t end America’s struggle with MAGA. That fight hasn’t even begun.

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While China and Russia may be better at media bubbling, European bubbles are just a bit to leaky for autocrats. The EU election outcome was a case in point. Hungarians like all the great stuff they get from the EU, and have long tolerated Orban’s theft of some of those funds. But Orban is increasingly radioactive and has made the flow of EU goodies increasingly problematic. You can’t fool all the people all the time.

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She got the republican woman “crazy eyes” down. Now, on to ruin the country.

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Our goal has never been to be an extension or a cheerleader for the Trump campaign.”

However… we continue to fail in very profitable ways.

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TSF has a platform, too, and some of his supporters have very deep pockets. He also successfully ran a hostile take-over of one of our major political parties, and that’s why he will significantly outperform Eugene Debs even if he runs from a cell in Riker’s Island.

Very true in the first part, not so true in the second. I think the fight is well underway, although we are late to the arena.

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Bannon. All he’s missing is the garish Uniform.