The Trump Campaign Made A Deal With An Online ‘Propaganda’ Network

here - let Sarah answer that one …


So well said. Thank you!

Wish I were in a position to force the issue with a network, any network.


From the article,

Along with facing competition for its talent, RSBN’s close ties to Trump raise larger questions about where it might be headed after the election. In his conversation with the Associated Press, Joe Seales described the company’s business model and continued existence as relying on Trump. He similarly told TPM that he has no long-term plans for the broadcaster, and that RSBN’s future could depend on “the outcome of the election.”

Translation, we will go where the money takes us.

Also from the article:

“I personally don’t plan to be a part of the company in terms of anything operational. I’m ready to get out of politics,” Seales said. “Too much vitriol in it for me. Eight years is enough.”

Again translation, I made my money being a total evil prick and I am getting out while I still keep most of the money.


Also on YouTube is the Meidas Touch Network which I highly recommend!


I’m guessing the idea is to sell their facilities and audience to RT.
Everyone knows Vlad is always on the lookout for franchises for his media outlets.
Hell, he’ll even let them keep the same name (and business model.)


You know, it’s like Regnery Publishing.
They just have a very particular editorial policy.


You cannot call any of these people Jourlalists. They are out and out propagandists . It is one thing to have a bias, but when it comes to blatant fabrication and denial of facts, that belongs in quite another category.


We are so used to right-wing outlets like Fox and New Smacks that not only disseminate extreme conservative views but hire propagandists to bamboozle the audience, that we have a hard time accepting that RSBN might simply choose to record Trump rallies as they are. So maybe they could be called objective within the scope of what they choose to broadcast. Still they’re not C-Span, providing documentary coverage of left, right, and center speeches and events.


It has no conservative content whatsoever. Radical reactionary bullshit is not conservative. Why should we consent to their propagandistic language?


Today? I’m afraid that is indeed a rare description. When it emerged in the 40s and 50s, though, it was.

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It didn’t back then either, but back then it didn’t have to.

They had the luxury of being in the marketing phase of defining their brand and positioning a thing they called “liberalism,” a thing that was opposed to family values (religion), opposed to honest work (welfare), and so on. It got reflected in the news – President Clinton may be on track for a budget surplus, so he’s rewarding welfare queens.

Now, we discover what Gingrich had in mind. A unitary executive. Surprise!


No… For 2 reasons

  1. Big money interests know it’s Republicans that bestow tax cuts largesse on them… not democrats.

  2. Republicans want to be told what to think


With that much of an Orange Menace running round they need a lot of propping up.

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“Vanessa Broussard lost her cool”, because she can’t figure out her angles. Lady you’ve got to practice, practice, practice to prevent that “crazy eyes” look.

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Caribou Barbie at her incandescent brightest.

I bet she could just stand up and see Putin over in the distance from her house, illuminated by the light that just radiates her Barbieness, to the max and back.

Trump’s not dead yet



Debs got near a million votes while incarcerated. That was in 1920. Extrapolate to today’s world if it were trump in jail. A total of 16.1 million votes were cast in 1920.
I looked it up … Debs won 3.4% of votes cast (914,000 approx)
If donnie got only 3.4% he would throw a lunar level hissy fit


RSBN is the same as Fox “News,” but with less pretense.

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OMG!! Where can I get in touch with this Birch Gold Group?

I hope they are connected to my chums in the John Birch Society.

I’m disappointed only with the lack of Crypto in their name. Still, they can manage my money!