The Trump Campaign Made A Deal With An Online ‘Propaganda’ Network

On May 31, Vanessa Broussard lost her cool. She was reporting live as an anchor for Right Side Broadcasting Network and President Trump was set to hold a press conference to discuss the previous day’s guilty verdict against him or, as Broussard put it, the “horrific outcome in the bogus hush money trial.” To hear Broussard tell it, the gravity of the moment overtook her. 

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The Trump Campaign Has Made A Deal With An Online ‘Propaganda’ Network

This is in addition to his on-air propaganda network.


Does our side have anything like this?


No doubt a right wing billionaire will prop them up after the election.


Trump said in his idiotic rants in Las Vegas yesterday that given the choice between electrocution and being eaten by a shark he would choose electrocution everytime. Time to step to the plate sparky. This observation is of course key to our national well being.


However, in all of the tellings of RSBN’s origin story, Seales has framed it as some kind of independent voice

Again, reaching back to the Gingrich / Limbaugh rationalization… the media is objective sometimes with an arguable liberal bias, so to balance things out, they develop a media presence that’s not objective at all, but is exclusively and completely conservative.


Broussard’s blend of blatant Trump boosterism coupled with a gesture toward some more traditional journalistic separation

Mirror’s what we’ve seen from most media outlets over the past 8 years. :roll_eyes:


“I personally don’t plan to be a part of the company in terms of anything operational. I’m ready to get out of politics,” Seales said. “Too much vitriol in it for me. Eight years is enough.”

Sooooo - it’s NOT journalism? Andy maybe you Seales are adding to the vitriol?


He’s cashing out before the market for rightwing bullsh*ttery collapses.


Independent news organization? I smell bullshit.


That was my first impression. This is just another right wing propaganda network trying to make a living sucking on Trump’s teat. There are an awlful lot of these sorts of leaches.


Preferably not, which is not to say that Democrats should not respond.

They should respond appropriately.


Despite the whining of the GOP, the main-stream media can hardly be called “objective sometimes with an arguable liberal bias”. An objective media would not continue to parrot GOP talking points without context. Every time a reporter regurgitates a statement from a Trump rally without prefacing the quote with, “Former President Trump once again repeated the demonstrably false claim that…” it demonstrates the media’s general lack of objectivity. An objective media would call out the bullshit coming from the GOP, not treat it as an opposing viewpoint to factual statements.

The media’s refusal to acknowledge the difference between reality and the GOP’s fantasy world is never more apparent than during interviews with Democrats. Every time a interviewee is asked to respond to an outrageous statement from Maga-land, rather than address legitimate questions about the impact of policy it demonstrates the lack of the media’s objectivity.

Instead of asking,

How do you respond to the former President’s claims that the decreased price of insulin is the result of his policies?"

an objective interviewer would ask,

Given that the limits on the price of insulin, which were part of the Inflation Reduction Act enacted during the Biden administration, are so popular that the former President has begun to falsely claim credit for it during his rallies, what are you doing to ensure voters know what Democrats have achieved during the Biden presidency?

Refusing to accept falsehood and acknowledging reality isn’t a liberal bias, it should be what we expect from any part of the media claiming to be a source of news…


So… Trumpaganda?


Isn’t the RNC already a propaganda arm of the followers of Cheeto Dusted Jesus? How many do they need?


Who is the Joseph Goebbels of the Trump propaganda campaign?


Just add it to Fox, Newsmax and the rest.


Does RSBN have a Moscow correspondent?


As always, it helps to remember that right-wing media is not simply an oligarchic propaganda project, it is also an extension of mail-order marketing as outlined in the analysis by Rick Perlstein, The Long Con: lying is as essential as the mailing list while “miracle cures, get-rich-quick schemes, murderous liberals, the mystic magic mirage of a world without taxes …” and more blend until snake oil becomes indistinguishable from fear of hell.

... this stuff is as important to understanding the conservative ascendancy as are the internecine organizational and ideological struggles that make up its official history—if not, indeed, more so. The strategic alliance of snake-oil vendors and conservative true believers points up evidence of another successful long march, of tactics designed to corral fleeceable multitudes all in one place—and the formation of a cast of mind that makes it hard for either them or us to discern where the ideological con ended and the money con began. – Rick Perlstein

The point I guess being that the announcer, Vanessa Broussard, is rather clearly in the propaganda biz rather than journalism but it would be at least as accurate to say she is in sales.

yeah … She’s a regular Edward R. Murrow / Walter Cronkite … geez! what a vapid twit!