The Tree Gets Poisoned

Originally published at: The Tree Gets Poisoned - TPM – Talking Points Memo

The DOJ moved to drop charges against three prominent people on Wednesday: two Trump employees charged in the Mar-a-Lago records case, and ex-Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE). None of these cases were political prosecutions. The Mar-a-Lago defendants were charged for allegedly helping Trump illegally retain national defense records while out of office; Fortenberry was fighting a…

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Not surprising, but still depressing. And I can only assume that the “investigations” (aka witch hunts) of the prosecutors and DoJ researchers are already underway.


“Only crime and the criminal, it is true, confront us with the complexity of human evil; but only the hypocrite is rotten to the core.” – Hannah Arendt


For a while there, I thought the corruption of the DOJ was near the top of the worst things the convicted felon and his cronies would do. Now, although it’s still on my list, it’s got much more competition for top spots.


Merrick Garland was still grasping onto the “But the rule of law” bullshit. He should have released Part II of the Trump investigation, knowing this is what was destined to occur.

Nope. Garland is STILL living in the past, while Trump, Musk, Patel, RFK, Jr., et al, are full steam ahead into a destructive future for America.


At the ending of the Academy Award winning movie, Z, a number of corrupt officials were tried and convicted on the charge “abuse of power” (not that this meant much after a right-wing junta seized power shortly thereafter).

Wonder if we have a law like that around here; think we’ll want it err long if we don’t, assuming there is someone still willing and able to prosecute it and a court still able to judge.


I think we do, but defer to the lawyers on that. It was one of the things the founders considered a very serious crime. On the other hand, who would have “standing” to sue? The current Scotus loves to dodge that kind of decision because the plaintiff doesn’t have “standing.”


Picking up the latest EdBlog here, since I can’t comment directly on Fearless Editor’s piece.

Trump-Musk Coup Joint Collapses One Day In

As you’ve no doubt seen the White House attempt to institute an illegal, unilateral government shutdown in the form of freezing all federal government grants, loans and financial assistance collapsed this afternoon when the Office of Management and Budget rescinded the “memo” on which the attempt was based. It’s a major defeat — technically, a faceplant — for the White House just over a week into the presidency.

Dumb sumbitch still thinks he’s the CEO of USA Inc. and can just order that Things Be Done.


We need a stronger word to describe trump
Corrupt is way way too weak
I am open to entries
Give it some thought.


I don’t agree with that take - yes he can, and yes they will be done. So there is an injunction, so what? TSF always communicates via mob rules, he expresses his wishes and his underlings scurry to obey. There are more than enough TSF sycophants in the bureaucracy to hold up the grants, gum up the works and so on. How can you tell if it’s malicious or not? Who do you point the finger (or injunction) at to get the money flowing freely again?

OK, so the judge is annoyed at the transparent “no harm no foul” withdrawal of the memo, but the damage is in place and ongoing.


There’s not just an injunction, there is a humiliating backdown.

They are vulnerable to pressure.

They are not superman.

Don’t give up the ship.


Great politics is about quid pro quo and returning favors relating to sex, money, power, religion, and criminality. Just do it when you have the power. There is not a reason to be wobbly, self righteous, or sermonizing about it. If you won’t, don’t run for elected office. Stay home.


It sure is reminiscent of Hitler’s “Night of the Long Knives,” except that (so far) no one has been executed. Unfortunately, that is probably coming. Since I see no legal or legislative impediments to this, I can only hope that there are enough senior leaders in the military who value their oaths to the constitution, to step forward and arrest the Orange Asshole (and draft dodger) and his co-conspirators, declare martial law, and attempt with the aid of patriotic congressman and senators, to form an interim government until a new election can be held.

Needless to say I’m pissing in the wind, because as a result of years of using the military as a laboratory for social experimentation, we’re probably better off just inviting China to take over.


The Tree Gets Poisoned

Excellent headline. Simple. Honest.

Such a great observation. And aren’t they (like) .01% of the world’s population?


Trump already invited Putin to take over but is feeling that he sold out too cheap. We shall see.


Great sound track by Mikis Theodorakis.


It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong - Voltaire


Somewhere in the flurry of EO’s trump has signed there is something that could generate an impeachment. Not that the House or Senate have the guts to do what would be right. Goobers have control. And they are total ass kissers willing to see America be an authortarian dictatorship to their everlasting shame.


Sorry darr, try as I might " bottomlessly corrupt " is all I come up with. And that’s just not succinctive enough…


S’ok… I will be calling the Tucson office of my House Rep Raul Grijalva who is a progressive democrat and likely someone will communicate my concerns to him. IAlso will call my Senator’s offices. Both are democrats. Mark Kelly and Ruben Gallego.