The Supreme Court Took A Sledgehammer To American Democracy

At this point, the MSM is playing like they are reporting on a neighborhood house fire, casually filming from the sidewalk. However, in reality the entire neighborhood is on fire and these casual MSM onlookers will be consumed by the flames as well.


I image we might find out what a coup looks like in a ‘first world’ country.


This entire decision was intentionally devised to demoralize the left and protect TSF and any (R) president that follows. You don’t have to read into the decision all that much to know that their entire raison d’etra, particularly in formulating this decision in this unique way by eliminating rules of evidence for official acts, was a way for the rightwing Justices to “own the libs”. They are Monarchists, which we all know is anathema to this country’s leadership and our own founding.

These manipulative partisan legal hacks on the court are absolutely no different than their political counterparts in the legislative branch. In fact they are in essence, legislating from the bench and making their decision impervious to amending anytime soon, if at all. There is no alternative to their ruling at the moment other than to ignore what they did, which doesn’t seem likely. They got the country by the balls on this one so to speak.


ANY time we give right-wingers any power, we should know by now that they are going to abuse that power. And being rightwingminded assholes, they are intellectually incapable of thinking anything through to its logical conclusion.
I am with Sotomayor. I cry in frustration to see what these political hacks on the court are doing to our democracy. We need enough of a majority to retake the government from these traitorous fools so we can expand the court to negate the right-wingers and reverse the damage.


Citing Thomas’s dissent, even though none of the other five seditionists joined his dissent.

“I write separately to highlight another way in which this prosecution may violate our constitutional structure. In this case, the Attorney General purported to appoint a private citizen as Special Counsel to prosecute a former President on behalf of the United States. But, I am not sure that any office for the Special Counsel has been “established by Law,” as the Constitution requires. Art. II, §2, cl. 2. By requiring that Congress create federal offices “by Law,” the Constitution imposes an important check against the President—he cannot create offices at his pleasure.”


You seriously expect the somnolent Dick Durbin will interrupt his golf game to consider this? Dream on.

Someone remind me why that useless sack of shit wrested the Judiciary Chair from Whitehouse?

The US Senate is where democracy and the rule of law goes to die.


Great observation! Deep bow to you! :pray:t3:

Especially in the case of TCF – An Emperor Who Has No Clothes. Roberts deserves the worst flailings that can administered to him. Let’s make sure he hears us, loud and clear. He despises both Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito, thinking he is the best and the brightest. He’s chicken shit. Let him be the one who gets the pies and cakes in the face.

And, oh, DOJ, please start the investigation of his and Mrs. Roberts’ frauds.


If the DOJ had taken a top-down approach to the J6 trial instead of the bottom-up approach which didn’t pan out and delayed the eventual indictments of Trump, we would have just had this SCOTUS immunity decision earlier. Trump’s lawyers were always going to go for this immunity defense.

It wouldn’t have changed anything, and might even be better to have it happen now, when people are starting to think about the election. I’ll blame Garland for the delay caused by a wrong approach to the J6 case, but it’s a stretch to blame Garland for this SCOTUS decision.


I had a whole mini-paragraph about those two that I deleted.


EO declaring fox news a traitors company.


I am starting to think a tipping point is here or close where Biden will not be on the ticket. The knives are out. It would not be surprising if a decision has been made but the powers that be are getting everything in place, working for consensus ( we are democrats, as though…) getting commitments from donors and getting everything in place for an announcement. My overwhelming feeling right now is just sadness. Will keep looking for sparks of hope but today is not that day.


EO declaring militias terrorism organizations and send in the military to dearm and arrest them all.


The critical thing is to get this through into the national awareness. Your average working stiff is not going to understand what happened yesterday unless we have messaging which can reach them. “Independance” Day is an ironic coincidence with this, but that is the context where these events can be used to appeal to people’s sense of patriotism. How quickly can we (Democrats) get those advertisements out there?


Mark Elias said something similar this morning. Your comment is definitely more positive tho.


The military brass blocked his worst instincts last time, for things like Soviet-style military parades or nuking cartels in Mexico. Probably stopped a “wag the dog” scenario with an attack on Iran close to the election. They’ll stop him next time.

The reason I’m fairly confident is because for the officer corps, the military is a lifelong career. They have to think about consequences beyond the 4-year term of the current sitting President.


The difference would be that a coup in a first world country like ours would be a media spectacle. It would get Super Bowl like ratings where the cable networks would have their own graphics packages. The merchandising would also be off the charts. “I survived the coup and all I got was this T-shirt”.


Do you have permission to just reprint his entire post outside his paywall?

You don’t even link back to the original post. It’s blatant plagiarism and violation of copyright.


Or maybe better, get DOJ and FBI all over the LL Cabal. And the “SCOTUS 6”


This seems extreme and hyperbolic. I think it is true - Roberts is an evil man who set out with an evil agenda to this evil end.


He’ll just keep firing officers until he gets the officers he wants, like Michael Flynn.

Trump II will not be like Trump I. Anybody who thinks differently is as deluded as people who want to vote for No Labels.