The Supreme Court Took A Sledgehammer To American Democracy

Lawrence O’Donnell was on it last night too.

I’m not suggesting that Chutkan’s resulting decision is going to be left standing by SCOTUS upon further review. (Though who knows, Uncle Thomas could always drop dead on us. He’s almost as old as Scalia was when he reached his expiration date.) I’m just saying that she still has plenty of room to do the right thing and dare SCOTUS to fuck it all up again on a much more fulsome record.


But Joe being Joe will not do this. He will play by the old rules in the hope that integrity will still mean something to the American people. I am very afraid that ship has sailed.


And this next time, there will be nobody of such studious and stalwart virtue to talk him out of it…

The Intellectualist


Barr reveals that Trump called for executions on multiple occasions during his presidency. Barr mentioned that he didn’t take these calls seriously, as Trump could be talked out of it before any executions were “carried out”.

In fact, Project 2025 aims to assure that he will be surrounded by people giving him the names of desired targets.


If ever there was a time for a Hail Mary it is now!


The truth unquestionably is, that the only path to a subversion of the republican system of the Country is, by flattering the prejudices of the people, and exciting their jealousies and apprehensions, to throw affairs into confusion, and bring on civil commotion. Tired at length of anarchy, or want of government, they may take shelter in the arms of monarchy for repose and security.

Those then, who resist a confirmation of public order, are the true Artificers of monarchy—not that this is the intention of the generality of them. Yet it would not be difficult to lay the finger upon some of their party who may justly be suspected.

When a man unprincipled in private life desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper, possessed of considerable talents, having the advantage of military habits—despotic in his ordinary demeanour—known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty—when such a man is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity—to join in the cry of danger to liberty—to take every opportunity of embarrassing the General Government & bringing it under suspicion—to flatter and fall in with all the non sense of the zealots of the day—It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may “ride the storm and direct the whirlwind.”

— Alexander Hamilton

August 18, 1792


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What!? A non fatalistic opinion?! Seriously. I agree. And if 10% of the people proclaiming this is the end of democracy in America truly believed it, they would take to the streets immediately. , and it would swamp our cities and towns. Where are they?… It could be the end is nigh. But I don’t think most typing that on the internet truly believe that. Actions, not words. We can still win this fucking thing. And SCOTUS has given Biden a secret weapon if he wants it. They don’t think he will. Prove them wrong! Or at least the voters can vote for him solely to stop would be autocrat Trump.


I’m planning a funeral for the Constitution.


As of 10:00ish yesterday, Biden has additional powers granted by the court. He needs to use them to mitigate the harm done by the court.


We have entered an uncertain new era. The door is now wide open to the kinds of fascism and authoritarianism we spent much of the 20th century and hundreds of thousands of American lives combatting overseas. Many of you will be skeptical of this. I will take no joy in being right about this. You can wait and see, but don’t wait too long. It may already be too late.

I, for one, am not in the least skeptical.

One important feature of fascism is that it requires not just a leader, lieutenants, and apparatchiks: absolutely essential is mass support from the population. That support has been in place for years, and is only getting more entrenched.

The USA is a very sick country, and getting frighteningly sicker.


From a woman’s point of view, he will be the re-incarnation of Nicolae Ceaușescu. We will need to build orphanages.


It seems like the upshot of the ruling is that rather than a President’s actions being defined as legal/illegal TBD in court, the courts now decide what are “official” actions. So the Supremes can have the final authority on which Presidents can do which illegal things.


If Biden is not on the ticket then Harris will be the candidate. There are no other options for a host of reasons, including her access to the Biden/Harris campaign funds and infrastructure, and the impact on Black women in the Democratic party if she’s thrown out in favor of a White dude like Newsom.

So, how confident are you that Harris can beat Trump? Everyone wishing for a Biden replacement needs to confront that question.


Yes! I put in my calls to Senators yesterday. Since my House Representative isn’t running for re-election, I e-mailed the person who will no doubt replace him, and gave her my “If you want my vote, here’s what I want you to do” letter, and got her to put it in writing. :wink:



Then take it slow and easy today, enceladus. Some days that’s the best we can hope for.


it’s a global thing. Let’s not give up.


So then, the revolution will be televised?


What historians fail to recognize is that Prophet Elizabeth was snarking. She already knew.

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I really hope Joe pardons Hunter after the election, whether he wins or loses. I think he can justify it by saying, if it were not for my being President, my enemies would not have gone after Hunter. I owe it to my son to remove the punishment heaped on him that was meant to punish me for being.


And “there’s no easy way to be free.”

It was one of the best shows I’ve seen although he did not do “Slip Kid” but did do “Won’t Get Fooled Again”.