The Supreme Court Returns For A Culture War Term

Originally published at: The Supreme Court Returns For A Culture War Term

The 2024 Supreme Court calendar could double as a Fox News primetime lineup: homemade guns, trans rights, minors’ access to porn.  And tucked between the flashier cases, right-wing and corporate plaintiffs seek further wins from their allied justices, willing helpmates in their quest to dismantle the administrative state and snuff out the power of federal…

YAY! Culture wars.


The ghost of Joe the Camel is getting his vengeance


It’s worth noting, though, that right-wing politics — in which these judges are active consumers and participants

Great line, Kate!

Should Kamala win the presidency and the cult win control of the senate I’d like to see her issue executive order after executive order challenging any unacceptably partisan scotus decisions. She should do this to delay and hamstring scotus as much as possible until we regain the senate in 2026. At that point steps need to be taken to reform scotus in a way that wrests power from the federalist society and places it in the hands of the majority of citizens, where it belongs.

IANAL, but even if my solution isn’t feasible I’m sure knowledgeable people can come up with appropriate ways to minimize the influence of our corrupted scotus until democrats are in a position to make real reforms.


The minute men did not have cereal numbers on their guns, so there.


Compared to the very real prospect of civil war, a culture war sounds rather quaint and cosy, like it’s 1995 again.


If the conservatives in the right wing want to keep the protections of the 2nd Amendment, I say let them, as along as we are talking about the kinds of guns available when the 2nd Amendment was written, anything after that is fair game.
Plus tax the hell out of ammunition, which is NOT protected by the 2nd.


Real picture of Santa crying because global warming has devastated his North Pole compound.


Tobacco executives should somehow all be inoculated with lung or oral cancers; the entire business is morally reprehensible.

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A jihad’s work is never done when it comes to this court.


Remember Culture Club and Boy George? I remember a snarky comment that said “If this is culture, give me a club!” A stupid comment for sure, but if we survived (and thrived) that era as a culture, we sure can survive (and thrive) the current, diversionary, so-called “war.”


Yeah, but they went FrootLoops for the Cocoa Puffs coming out of their blunderbusses.


He looks like @darrtown!


Who cares what Roberts and rest of the subprime six want. They are just tools. I want an article on what their owners, the billionaires, want in each of these cases? . I would also want to know how the Catholic chruch wants them decided.

For example the gun manufacturers probably don’t want additional competition from ghost guns. Who has the money pushing that ruling? Who is willing to give the court members gratuities to get rid of the serial number requirement?


Has anyone ever seen @darrtown and Santa Claus in the same place?

I rest my case.


Well I for one feel that this particular Supreme Court has earned our trust to do the right thing. I’m sure it will all be fine. /s

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And then she will issue a writ of Expecto Patronum to enfliburate Ginni Thomas from acting as High Potentate of the Federalist Thingie.


For those not old enough to remember what’s called ghost guns in this bit were called Zip guns and were primarily used for committing crimes. Guns devoid of a serial number were called “Saturday Night Specials” and also used primarily for illegal purposes.

Prior to gun nuts becoming a political bloc no one in America would take seriously legalizing these weapons. But doing so is good for the GOP ( damn sure not for the USA ) so it will be so. SCOTUS will rule that men as brilliant as our Founders intended their work to harbor the seeds of its destruction. Lying, disinformation, dangerous conspiracy theories, incitement and hate were intended in the First Amendment. Mass shootings, school shootings and gun nuttery were intended in the Second.

The Constitution should be revised and edited every 19 years or every generation. Lest it become a document of the dead governing the lives of the living. Thomas Jefferson said that.


Sounds good.
It’s 1995 again
I retired in 2012… do I hafta go back to work again??


Do we have enough petri dishes?