The Supreme Court Returns For A Culture War Term

They could not even read the cereal boxes at breakfast!


Much more of this if Trump gets back in and he or JD appoints 3 more of Leonard Leo’s young wingnuts.

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" The Man Nobody Wants To Kill"

a/k/a the governor of OK is a blood-crazed murderous kkklown.


These culture wars, every one of them starts in church. Hmmm.


For those who may not know… here’s the real me with my real dog Murphy who was my friend and she is my “avatar” here at TPM…

Here is @theghostofeustacetilley 's image that @kelaine thought looked like me


I am not Santa but I did celebrate Christmas in 2018 as Santa when friends at a local dog park played “dress up”. I assure all that Tucson, where I live is not the North Pole


Guns are part of the culture war, and that’s maybe the only one that doesn’t start in church. We can see parallel culture wars in other countries similar to our own, but not the fetish to protect gun ownership at the highest levels of government. That’s uniquely American.

When the SCoTUS, in its infinite wisdom, decides that “parts of a gun” are not, in fact, a gun, we’ll be able to carry on a disassembled hand gun or even long gun onto the airplane in our carry-on baggage! Plus the tools needed to put it together, of course. Why not?

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(post deleted by author)


There ya go…come to TPM and get your vocabulary expanded


No, the “saturday nite special” was a cheap handgun. Nothing about serial numbers.


the Court will consider a 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that the Food and Drug Administration acted in an arbitrary and capricious manner by rejecting the applications of companies that want to sell new flavored vapes.

It’s a well known fact that mentholated cigarettes were not addictive and never caused cancer, so what could possibly be wrong with flavored vapes.


In lieu of a cat picture.


Let’s hope they don’t have another administrative slip-up and accidentally release their 6-3 decision in Trump vs. elections boards of all states, US Government, the Constitution and God before the case actually gets ‘heard’.

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Hopefully, President Harris will bypass the 2nd by agreeing that although firearems can’t be controlled, ammunition can. Let the gun-huggers go back to casting their own musket balls and hand-grinding gunpowder.

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Exactly! I’m glad we’re on the same page here. :wink:



In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that taxing ammunition would have a chilling effect on exercising your god-given rights under the 2nd Amendment.

This below from the NYT “The Point” by Patrick Healy/Deputy Opinion Editor, contrasting the way Harris is trying to add new voters while Trump is just sticking to energizing his base.

Is Trump Trying to Blow It?

With four weeks until Election Day, a vivid contrast in the presidential race is how Kamala Harris is trying to grow her vote while Donald Trump is trying to shrink his. Well, if not purposely shrinking it, Trump is going narrow by saying the same kinds of things at the same sorts of rallies with the same types of voters (i.e., his MAGA base), while ceding broader audiences to Harris on “The Howard Stern Show,” “The View,” Stephen Colbert’s late-night show, the podcast “Call Her Daddy” and “60 Minutes.”

To win, Trump is betting that energizing and turning out his base in the swing states is more important than growing his vote. His base isn’t the “60 Minutes” crowd, but some of them listen to Stern and “The View” — as do some of the undecided and late-breaking voters who are just getting around to sizing up Harris and giving Trump another look. Is Trump trying to blow it? All I can tell you is that Trump said at a Wisconsin rally Sunday that he wants to win a “mandate” from voters in November. A “mandate” usually implies a landslide victory, and I don’t see that happening with just his MAGA base.

Trump trying to blow it is a clickbait header. The reality is that he’s lazy and needy. It’s hard work to reach outside your base, and he’s enjoying the narcissistic feedback he gets from his rallies too much to do anything different.


Tobacco smoke (flavored or not) contains 7,12 dimenthylbenzanthracene (DMBA). This chemical also occurs in any other smoke from burning plant matter. Just in varying amounts. My lab studied ovarian cancer with the aim of early diagnosis in order to have easier treatment and possible cures. We used DMBA in mice to cause tumors on the ovary. I was from the beginning loath to kill critters so we used very few mice and they survived our experiments. I could go into long winded detail but suffice it to say DMBA is a tumor causer and tumor promoter and is, to be blunt, really nasty shit. Tobacco smoke is bad for humans and other living things. This applies to cigarettes or vapes. Flavored or not. If there are those among our readership who are smokers I would advise quitting. I know it’s difficult to quit but cancer kills. In my own case I had surgery in 2012 for a basal cell cancer and then in 2019 more surgery to remove a squamous cell tumor, Nether were related or caused by our lab’s work. Rather it’s the fault of the Sun here in Arizona.