The Supreme Court Didn’t Go Nuclear On Abortion In 2024. It’ll Have Plenty Of Options To In 2025

Trump was quoted very recently as saying that he doesn’t believe that abortion will be an issue in the coming election as it has all been settled. It is rare to laugh about anything related to abortion but I enjoyed a good chuckle and even a couple of snorts when I heard him dispense his wisdom on the matter. Once again, he makes statements about the way he wishes things to be rather than what they are. The next laugh I have will be when the oncoming train hits him.


Next headline: Drunk Congresswoman mauled after leaving Durango bar. Witnesses say she staggered out of the bar alone after the other patrons turned her down. Her last words were,“Do you know who I am?”


I couldn’t wait for a Prop 139 logo, so I designed my own for use on the 900 GOTV postcards that I’m sending to Democrats and No Party Preference voters in Arizona.
139 logo.resized2

Some cards going to those who registered before the primary deadline; most cards mailing out after the Oct 7 general election registration deadline. Just trying to do my part to get female bodily autonomy to be the GOTV driver it is supposed to be.


Natalism, the call for having more babies as a way to deal with longer-term political issues, has been tried in various contexts including China and the Middle East. Always with poor results. Mao’s 6-kid policies resulted in a mandatory 1-child policy in 1980 that was in place for four decades. Hafez al-Hassad’s policies quadruped Syria’s population, leading to a civil war, social collapse, mass migration and today’s miserable domestic situation and marginalized diaspora.

Japan is rare among industrialized countries in being somewhat comfortable with its population shrinking from 130 million to 80 million by the end of the century (and even sees it as beneficial). Yet when poorer populations such as Yemen, Palestine and Afghanistan have high fertility rates, nobody blinks about the counter-productivity of their natalist policies. Europe and Russia from time to time freak out about low birth rates and the future lack of taxpayers, but any population surges have quickly ended as politicians balk at the costs of financing baby booms. Kids aren’t cheap. The GOP toys with natalist positions, but upon seeing the bill quickly makes sure things like the “costly” Child Tax credit end. So how is it that we have JD espousing the natalist tropes so familiar to Poles and Hungarians? Childless people are selfish, horrible monsters. Perverts really.

He ignores the fact that fertility rates are at or below the replacement rate of 2.1 in three-quarters of the world’s nations, and countries with natalist policies are generally struggling. Egypt, for example, experienced a rising birth rate after the Arab Spring, but about 70 million of the country’s 108 million people currently live at or below the poverty line. Natalist views are of course welcome, but not platforms that ignore the economic and natural consequences of natalist policies. Such blather is not helpful to anybody.


Actually, conservative SCOTUS went nuclear with Dobbs.

But, yes, there are differences between the fission and fusion nuclear bombs.

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The maggots on that Court no how to play the game. Don’t do to much at once. So they gave Trump his immunity but backed off on abortion. That means abortion is next time. That’s all it means.

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It will drop to nothing. If Trump considers Musk’s offer to come back to Twitter there’s no purpose in Truth Social. If Trump loses in November that stock will be penny stock with no value other that what if affords in write off.


I’m sure it’s somewhere there in Project 2025.

Considering how clearly unpopular the anti-abortion proposals are outside of Xtianist MAGAland, if Fat Elvis loses too many states because of people turning out to support ballot proposals for abortion protections, they may well hold their fire on it, if only because they fear the loss of power for the RWNJs the SCOTUS crazies support.

They’ve already seen how badly it has gone against MAGAland politically since Dobbs. The gleeful announcement of an expected 30-40 seat House majority turned into a barely-scraped-by dozen seats. And all those special elections that swung to the Dems.

If Fat Elvis doesn’t win (narrator: he won’t), and especially if Kamala and the newly empowered party of ‘Mind Your Own Damned Business’ win bigly this November, they may decide to hold their fire rather than poke the bear.

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Hopefully a Harris DoJ with someone other than our current milk-toast AG will prosecute Thomas and his mentor(s) for their overt and obvious corruption. That will put a hard shot across Roberts’ bow. Investigate Alito too.

The Lincoln Project’s Rick Wilson says Trump would expand SCOTUS if he’s elected, filling it with young Alito clones.

There will be a dead cat bounce after he loses when all the losers left holding the bag will double-down and buy more stock to pump up the price before it eventually drops to zero.

Stupider things have happened.

It depends - SCOTUS will have to decide if cloning is sufficiently “pro-life”, but like the IVF ruling, it’s not like consistency is their strong suit.

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No, they’ll have to decide whether it benefits rich white men and their chattels. Then they will make up whatever justification sounds good to them and ChatGPT.

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With DJT (trump’s dollar store Xitter knock-off), at $23.97 and him owning 115 million shares, he could cash out for about $2.75 billion.

If he cashes out in September (when he’s allowed to), it will indicate to suckers, I mean, shareholders, that it was always just a big scam and these 600K suckers who invested heavily will lose bigly and will punish him at the ballot box.

If he holds on and loses the election, it will be worthless on 11/6.

He can’t win.