The Supreme Court Didn’t Go Nuclear On Abortion In 2024. It’ll Have Plenty Of Options To In 2025

He’ll have nowhere to spend it in prison.


I wonder how they feel about the sale of guns, tobacco, alcohol, and a shit load of other products that might endanger their patients. I hate slippery slope arguments, but this one offers a rich harvest of unintended consequences that will keep the Supreme Court busy crafting laughable distinctions and exemptions.


Here’s what the policy should be:

Mifepristone should be a legend drug with no other restrictions. States should be preempted from restricting it more than federal.

Surgical abortion should be legal and unrestricted younger than 28 weeks gestational age.

It should be illegal over 28 weeks with an exception for the life or health of mother.

What goes unremarked most of the time is that the folks who will legislate to protect women’s reproductive health will also vote to protect civil rights generally… LGBTQ+ rights, voting rights, gun safety, children’s education, etc. Abortion has folks rightfully incensed and that can be used to elect Dems and defeat misogyny, racism, anti-semitism and other otherism. GOTV.

Full disclosure: Canadian, who comes from a country that in its governing documents generally believes that basic civil rights (gender and race rights, voting rights, gun rights, reproductive health care) should not differ depending on what province (state) you live in. Radical and misguided, no? We have even, recently (2021), established the right nationally to die with dignity. Wait till the Repubs hear about that.


mahayr b’yamaynu

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The plague of self-righteous politics has seeped into and infiltrated the Supreme Court.


Dear Supreme Court:

How many American rape victims are raising their rapist’s child at their own expense?

How much differential in contributions to political causes on the Left vs Right?

How many laws were changed to exclude colored voters in states freed of preclearance?

No record, huh? Handy.


Not far from home.


Why isn’t it mandatory for state to pay as the state forced child to be born?


Why aren’t these women represented in the press?

Media CEOs want new boats…


I think he will (if he hasn’t already) make a private sale agreement to someone who wants to prop him up and own a really big favor. But the arrangement will have to be secret, because a september headline of TSF dumping his stock would clobber his campaign and potentially raise questions about statements he has made about the company.


The BEST prison commissary.

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Pretty likely that was part of the deal all along: a lifetime of grift and heavy reliance on Russian financing the past few decades has made Trump expert at laundering money, leveraging his brand, and masking business relationships.


the Center for Reproductive Justice

They have it right.

All these Republican actions presume that life begins at conception, which means, for some reason, that government is obligated to protect “the will of the unborn”.

That’s not valid, because the unborn have never consented to government, much less this government, much less to any government policy.

Furthermore, life begins at first breath. There’s no individual before that.


What are you imagining happening after 28 weeks, (viability is generally considered at 21 weeks) that you want to make it illegal. Less than 1% of all abortions occur after 21 weeks (.9% as of 2021).

Currently, there are five clinics provide services at or after 28 weeks and the cost is between $2,000 and $25,000

Who Seeks Abortions at or After 20 Weeks?


If there is no way to remove the religio-gov’t intrusion into the life of the individual citizen, then perhaps such demands will be raised (to no effect, I dare say). When asked to provide an example of the compromise of male bodily autonomy in the US, one fellow replied that “the military draft” was the same thing. Ignoring his limited imagination and entertaining his logic for a moment, I could see applying a state surrogacy fee on top of all social services such as housing/food/medical/transportation for the duration of service to the state (a lifetime for the child and mother?). Some might opt to pay a volunteer to become a sub-surrogate through embryonic implantation or leave the country altogether. But, in the end, because the existence of the anti-abortion laws has already clarified how many Americans think, and codified the freedom and standing of a female human as less than those of a male human; a human-constructed “natural order”, if you will; no further consideration is actually required.

This well written and informative piece ably lays out the legal landscape we face with right wing courts, including the Supreme Court’s 6 MAGA cultists. So long as the federal courts are dominated by right wingers all of our liberties are at risk.

I’m so sick of these awful people trying to run our lives. They need to butt out.


I wikki’ed that babies younger than 28 weeks usually die without advanced, modern medical care. I would guess a lower percent of Americans could afford the NICU bill to save a 21 week baby, than what percent of abortions happen that late.

Said in a Slovian accent “…zee problem is?”

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“Scaremongering,” they said.