The Rule Of Law Is The Only Thing That Matters In 2024

I suspect you’re correct, but I’m not nearly certain you’re correct. Van Der Plaats, the evangelical king-maker in Iowa, wrote a Xhit over the long weekend that took the Mango Menace to task.

And we know that his presence on the ballot gooses the reactionary turn-out in the electorate. Now, if you run around telling people (in effect), “Your vote doesn’t matter: I bought you with three SCotUS appointment 2017- 2020. STFU and stay bought,” that is not conducive to motivating people to vote. And the effect in down-ballot races could be huge.

If it happens. And I’m not at all sure it will.


“I did some bad stuff but I won’t say what it was” hardly counts as a “good confession”.


Hate to break it to you folks, but the armbands are out of the bag. Every election for the rest of our lives will be a referendum between liberal democracy and human rights on the one side and a fascist takeover of the government on the other. If any of you are stupid enough to believe that Project 2025 is just going to go away if Fat Boy loses, then you’re just lazy and gullible. The far right has gotten a little taste of power and now they’ve started envisioning what they could do with permanent rule. Please don’t be so dumb as to dismiss this as “doomscrolling.” Do you really think they’re all just going to shrug their shoulders and walk away? They fought Roe for 50 years. This is the battle, now, today. We’re out of time, so we’d better the fuck end the gerrymandering of the right and the constant navel gazing of the left and get our motherfucking shit together now. Because I sincerely doubt my grandchildren will be given that chance.


Yeah, and they’ve been sayin’ that since literally 1800. Not that it isn’t a great idea.


Reading the comments, there a ton of gullible young men out there. Even the tone of voice of the woman is fake. And those dumb incels are wondering why no woman wants to have sex with them.


“Ward, don’t you think you’re being a little hard on The Beaver?”


It would be irresponsible not to speculate!


One has to wonder - was it deliberate? :thinking:


The fake Pope can say true things that the actual Pope cannot. Same as it ever was.


And then there’s this, from WaPo (yes, I know, it’s the opinion pages. But it’s from their editorial board)

If attitudes don’t shift, a political dating mismatch will threaten marriage

free link -

A growing number of young women are discovering that they can’t find suitable male partners. As a whole, men are increasingly struggling with, or suffering from, higher unemployment, lower rates of educational attainment, more drug addiction and deaths of despair, and generally less purpose and direction in their lives. But it’s not just that. There’s a growing ideological divide, too. Since Mr. Trump’s election in 2016, the percentage of single women ages 18-30 who identify as liberal has shot up from slightly over 20 percent to 32 percent. Young men have not followed suit. If anything, they have grown more conservative.

Oh, the horror!


Whaddaya mean? The German Federal Republic has been stable and democratic for 75 years. As for the interim between Weimar and the FRG when Hitler ruled, it was only 12 years, so how bad could it have been? Same as if Trump gets back into power. /s/


Can you start with this one?
Pretty please!


It’s already too late for that. Maybe after the 2nd Civil War, they decide to re-found the republic and write a new modern constitution.


Don’t any of these young men have mothers? Are they incapable of seeing their mothers working TWO jobs – outside the home and all that happens at home? Are they too damn lazy to wash their own clothes, change their own sheets, and cook their own meals?


No need, Joe already did that.


I think I first heard James Carville use some of those expressions. That was something about $20 bills and trailer parks I do remember.


Because of those two jobs, I suspect those guys never saw much of their single mother, and have no clue what a marriage looks like.


…or he’s rubbing his hands with glee that Donnie the Dipshit is aiming for a takeover…

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It’s more than that. A lot of liberals consider NPR to be liberal, and I doubt that many republicans donate to it. The problem with that is that liberals then say, “Well, if NPR is reporting non-stop on Hillary’s emails or Biden’s inflation, there must be something to it” or “Wow! Listen to those Ohio diners say that democrats aren’t doing anything for them,” and that helps suppress the liberal votes for democrats.