The Roberts Court Is About To Be Confronted With Trump

Chicken? What chicken?


Neither the majority opinion nor the three dissents (remember, all seven justices were appointed by Democratic governors) offers much real insight into how the Supreme Court will rule, so I’m not going to dissect them here for you.

So what?


You could spend your morning imagining Coulter and Dinesh D’Souza all hot and sweaty under the covers. Go ahead, really, think about it. Can you see it? There, you’ve done it. More coffee?


Chump can never be what Hitler was. Hitler had a modicum of physical courage and proved it with his war service and leading a political party during a very violent political era.

I said many times since 2015 that Chump is an utter coward which would cripple him when the shit hit the fan. He has never had the stones, nor the work ethic, to lead something as demanding as a coup or takeover. If he can get others to do it on his behalf and swoop in once everything is ‘safe’…then sure. And sure enough on J6 he retreated to watch it on TV and Tweet.

You are spot on that he would go for the incitement verbiage of Hitler rather than wade through intellectual arguments. He isn’t interested in The Struggle or putting the nation on his back and achieving anything. He wants to save his own skin and loot the joint.


T. is likely repeating what he heard at his father’s knee (as his father recalled his participation in the New York demonstrations).


Some of whom will be hard for us to swallow.


Either the bravest or most clueless chicken of all tme!!!


He may not have read Mein Kampf, but that’s a diversion. Ivana claimed that what he kept by the bedside and often read was “My New Order,” a collection of Hitler’s speeches.


In its original German. HT Molly Ivins. From the 1992 Republican national convention. That phrase unfortunately doesn’t gets old.


i may be wrong, it is my opinion the many GENXers, [whatever that is] are well fed and cozy, in their cubicles, have neve faced a dangerous opponent, in their nice little lives. the fact that THEY criticize a people that have been attacked , is beyond me… when they have faced what the ISRAELIS face every day…then they can voice an opinion. until then, please just stfu…

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Someone on Bluesky last night noted that the entire ruling is directed at the conservative Justices.


These days, not having read Mein Kampf is supposed to mean you’re presidential timber.

(Of course, the book he had at his bedside was a collection of Hitler’s speeches, My New Order):


Scott was an Antarctic explorer.
Perry was an Arctic explorer.
Thus Scott Perry is “polarizing”.


As someday it may happen that a hypoctrite must be found
Oh Epstein had a list, he had a little list
Of Politicians and other notables who thought they would never be caught
Oh Epstein had a list, he had a little list…


Trump has repeatedly shared posts on Truth Social that claim a man sitting at his civil trial is the son of Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron, who is handling the case, and that he is somehow financially benefiting from the prime spot.

But those claims fell apart Tuesday when the real-life man outed himself as Ben Kochman, a New York Post reporter covering the case. He penned an op-ed lambasting the posts for the newspaper, outlining how he first discovered he’d been embroiled in a Trump-fueled conspiracy and why he finally decided to speak up.

Trump recently posted a picture with a red arrow pointing at Kochman, as well as an article written by anti-Muslim activist Laura Loomer which falsely claimed that it was Engoron’s son, who was “financially benefitting” with his “prominent” seat.

Though Kochman was tipped off about the first post in November, he wrote in his editorial that he initially “felt it wasn’t worth giving any air.”



The barn took on some pretty bad flooding, as it usually does, but this was the worst in ten years.

They had to do a full muck-out yesterday, as wet hay (deep litter method) can generate a bad parasite problem. Eight of our lady-goats are about halfway through their pregnancies, so a parasite invasion would be a bad thing.

My house was dry, but I couldn’t work at the consulting gig without internet and the farm business relies on internet to ship product. Christmas orders should already have been in transit, so it’s just the few remaining stragglers.


I know the ski resorts took some damage. We’re all good now and the sun is out - mid-30s, so a little ice in the few remaining drainage areas.


I expect we’ll see a whole lot of versions of “I just read the articles” or “he was interested in my scientific opinions about …”

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