The Race Is On To Release Jack Smith's Report Before Trump Takes Over

What was the reaction of the wealthy homeowners? I assume that, somehow, taxpayers were on the hook to rebuild their homes down to the last sconce.

What happens in LA next will be instructive. Tens of billions of dollars of real estate and infrastructure are gone. Who pays? It’s important to know because it’s a matter of time before south Florida becomes uninhabitable.


I’m surprised he wasn’t giving his stupid “thumbs up” and unctuous smile.


With the sentencing behind him, Skanky is now free to conquer Greenland so that we can nuke Russia from there before they can nuke us. If we are not able to conquer or buy Greenland for cash, we should set up an airbase and nuclear arsenal there so that Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekterinaburg are in bombing distance. Greenland could change geopolitical dynamics. Really.


Garland can’t do that. The stick up his butt won’t let him.


An actual sequel seems difficult given the story. Gibson is into torture porn in his later movies, so maybe it will be the story of the grisly deaths of later Catholic saints. Plenty of torture porn material there:


Once again trump 24/7
At minimum today’s MM photo did not show trump displaying his tonsils to an enterprising photographer.


No, no. If the situation were reversed, Merrick Garland would issue a detailed statement of how Mr Trump’s crimes should have him brought before a firing squad post haste, and only the intervention of the Supreme Court declaring sedition to okay has permitted Mr Trump to assume office.

You know, the “Barr Treatment”, like the Mueller Report got.


Fine. We’ll deduct the cost of Capitol repairs from their “reparations.”

Fuck these lying, thieving, greedy, violent, despicable assholes.


The short version of what the 11th circuit court has done is that it’s given Trump yet another pass at blocking release of the J6 report. The guy tried violently to overthrow the government–of which the 11th circuit judges are a part!–and then had his sorry ass pulled out of the legal fire by perhaps the most corrupt travesty of a constitutional ruling in our history by the Supreme Court. Now they act as if none of this ever happened. It’s an epitome of the failure of the judicial branch to rise to the occasion of Trump’s radical lawlessness, and the larger failure of all sorts of other institutions to do the same.


I look forward to seeing how the fires affect policy in CA. In the past, it’s mostly been middle class losing their homes to fire and landslides. Now the rich are directly affected - and not just a few of them. I expect to see some serious attention given to fire and safety infrastructure. Maybe a few of the 1%ers will even agree to pay a few shekels in property tax to upgrade the systems.


(post deleted by author)

Chief Justice John Roberts joined with Amy Coney Barrett and the three liberal justices

Just a quibble, and one not directed only at TPM, but this happens a lot in the media. Consider…

“The three liberal justices”. They must be insignificant. Barrett and Roberts get explicit mention. But the liberals… you know, the girls… I think they’re girls, but I dunno. They don’t matter, obviously.

The fact is Justices Kagan, Sotomayor, and Jackson ruled and were joined by two conservatives, affirming liberal principles. Who were the conservatives? It doesn’t matter.


Everyone has their hand on their heart as the casket is carried out. Everyone knows the appropriate and decent, human response.

Except Trump.

Waht. A. FUCKER.


Another reason I will celebrate when TSF is dead and decaying in some forgotten shit pond


Exactly. But insofar as that’s obviously precisely what Biden should do in this emergency, it’s a sure bet he won’t do it. So many Ds, including Biden, just seem frozen, as if they can’t conceive of acting like something extraordinary is happening.


We need a Daniel Ellsberg more than ever.


There it is again!!

four justices – Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh – would have…

Later that same topic…

The liberal justices seem like…

Just say it. The leftist girls who shall be nameless.


And Melanoma looks nauseated. Probably the most time she has had to spend next to him in years.


It’s really not a liberal or conservative ruling.


I agree, but we are talking about some major changes if the wildfires are to be controlled. The combination of highly flammable fuels and insane weather give the fires the advantage.