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This article is part of TPM Cafe, TPM’s home for opinion and news analysis.
Bobby Kennedy was an absolutely ruthless AG, before Jack’s death, but I wouldn’t mind have someone like him heading DOJ and going after these Nazi scumbags with as much ferocity as Bobby did the Mob.
We all bleed red.
F♤CK these pieces of SH!T.
People who indulge in hatred against some part(s) of humanity also are pricks in their relations with people they do not openly hate.
It has happened before, it’s happening again.
They protested near me in LA. I asked them why Jesus hated black people and thought their kids should be sold for profit.
If you’re projecting your manhood by going after gay people, don’t be surprise when I project my manhood by breaking your leg.
Americans are increasingly turning on one another,
The same problematic “both-sides” framing (albeit it more subtle form) seeps even into this otherwise decent and needed article. The above phrasing makes it sound as though LGBTQ people are also participating in “turning” on fellow “Americans”.
“A nation divided cannot stand.”
–Abraham Lincoln
“The Post-Jan. 6 Far Right Poses An Increasingly Severe Threat To The LGBTQ+ Community”
Can we be a little more direct here?
They want us to disappear and they would be happy to kill us all. Not to put too fine a point on it.
This is really important information. I teach 9th graders in an Urban school in downtown LA. Despite our inclusive community commitment, the boys are in danger of Far right influences, led by the nature of their emotional development and sexuality. This is primarily hispanic, so many come from conservative, maybe formerly, Catholic dysporia.
Simply put, Johnson’s rhetoric encourages his audience to see LGBTQ+ individuals as a threat, and can have the unintended effect of normalizing violence.
Sure, that’s one interpretation.
One of the things that’s going on with this is to encourage, um “self-deportation” from dangerously right-wing states. Another is a generation of queer kids who have an entirely different relationship to social media (since they know, for example, that tagged pictures can lead to them being hunted). Ultimately going to increase the drain from fascist areas (among other consequences).
It’s astonishing that this whole article about threats to LGBTQ+ people avoided any mention of trans people, whom republicans are currently intent on exterminating entirely.
I have seen some of this process happen in a family member. It is heartbreaking, terrifying, and infuriating.
Trump turds don’t understand once Trump cleanses the World of these folks he will go after some other group like the elderly or or or?
They assume they will always be part of the in-group.
The “othering” of LGBTQ+ people is an existential threat to our existence. Florida’s Medical Conscience law means for me, if I were to go to Florida and experienced a medical emergency, the possibility that someone might chose not to provide me medical care. The risk increases dramatically if you’re of color and not cis-male.
This is full-on fundamentalism and fascism at work, in real time.
I sometimes wonder if we’re at the beginning of a Bronze Age Collapse-style phenomenon, a catastrophic failure of civilization for reasons that can’t be fully attributed to any one cause.
I’d like to say there’s hope since we aren’t actively drinking lead (or pumping it into our atmosphere through exhaust*). We do have people who understand the history of previous collapses, though it does take constant vigilance on all our parts to make sure ignorance and violence don’t win out.
* anymore