The One Place Where The Trump Campaign Wants More Mail-In Voting

If you local bank has a notary. Many do not. (Have to cut costs and increase shareholder value, you know…)


It’s not hypocrisy. It’s fraud.

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No, but DonOLD sure griped about in 2016. I wish I knew who it was that was able to get him to stifle himself back then.


So stupid. Can’t the Convicted Felon Candidate just phone up his good pal Bee-Bee and get him to turn his Jewish space lasers on the voting machines in NC? Those poor people have enough to worry about, without having to vote, too!


Virtually every employee at my local bank is a notary public. The only time I even have to call ahead for notarization is if I need two witnesses (sometimes they’re really busy or they’re lightly staffed.)


Of course. That’s why he contested it. He wouldn’t have if he had won there.


Yes, my brain is not fully awake. You wrote accurately.


Good for the leaker(s). Lots of folks in government are appalled by Biden’s unlimited support for Israel’s ethnic cleansing and expanding its attacks.

Lucky you. I live in a major city on the ocean and sometimes have to hunt for the staffer, going from one “banking center” to another.


“The leaked assessment demonstrates how closely the intelligence community monitors Israeli military activity,” said Harrison Mann, a former analyst with the Defense Intelligence Agency who resigned to protest the Biden administration’s support for Israel’s war in Gaza.

It’s “a reminder that the administration does not actually trust Israel to share plans and major operations ahead of time. It demonstrates that the U.S. government acknowledges and monitors Israel’s nuclear forces.”

Mann also noted that the assessment shows that analysts “apparently used satellite imagery to track a ‘dolly,’ a cart used to transport missiles that’s about half as long and half as wide as a sedan, for long enough to infer that a specific type of missile was about to be loaded on Israeli fighters.”


Guy in the article pic?
Stick that thumb in your pocket please

So basically the con man is getting conned.

I have one thing to say.



You do remember that Tur was the reporter that T34xCF called out specifically by name during the 2016 campaign for his supporters to ‘deal with’, and that she needed a personal security detail after that. Blanket accusations are best left for the other side.

Interesting different take. My first thought (completely unsupported by anything other than my gut) was that Bibi got a present from Baby of a select set of pool shed papers.


All the politicians are terrified of AIPAC.

There’s no deep mystery here. Trump’s only consistent issue is his own welfare. THAT is his only concern. If he needs to reverse his position on an issue a dozen times this week, he doesn’t care, so long as he thinks there is an advantage.


Similat to CO voting, which I love.

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No worries! The Internet is fraught with peril, especially for the un-caffeinated.

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When I voted absentee in Wisconsin because of my constant travel, dear Hubby always had to sign my ballot envelope as well.

As if my signature wasn’t enough.

He always voted in person out there too.

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Of Course they are faking it…they are Rethugs! I presume this is more of Elon Musk’s thinking that money will buy votes.

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